About the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT)
The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) is an admissions test, used by a consortium of UK and partner Universities to help select applicants to their medical and dental degree programmes. Refer to the UCAT 2025 page for details about ...
The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) was administered in 2020 from 1 August to 25 October. During this period, a total of 34,144 exams were administered. Each exam consisted of four scored cognitive subtests: Verbal Reasoning (VR), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Abstract Reasoning (AR), and Decision Making (DM). The cognitive
University Clinical Aptitude Test - Wikipedia
The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) is an admissions test used by most medical and dental schools in the United Kingdom, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand in their applicant selection processes. [1]
UCAT考试成绩解读:UCAT多少分才是好分数? - 知乎专栏
根据往年的数据,我们可以发现 UCAT 的平均分数约为 2480 - 2550,这意味着每个部分的平均分数为 620 - 637。 一个在平均水准的 UCAT 分数,这意味着你比大约 50% 的申请者做得更好。 然而这显然是不足够体现出你的优势的。 接下来我们来进一步分析2021年与2020年UCAT每个部分的分值情况, 不难发现的是, Verbal Reasoning 板块是学生平均得分最低的部分,许多学生反映在文章的长度和严格的时间限制非常头疼。 我们会在之后的文章中给到对应的策略分析,其实 …
This is the official guide to the UCAT ANZ 2020 which contains definitive information regarding the test and its content. From 2019, the UCAT ANZ replaced the UMAT
UCAT 2020 Handbook Final | PDF | Lime (Fruit) - Scribd
This document is a handbook about preparing for the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) and gaining admission into undergraduate medicine and dentistry programs. It discusses the typical admission criteria of academic grades, UCAT scores, and interviews.
UCAT 2020报名–您需要知道的_考试 - 搜狐
今年,UCAT报名将于2020年7月1日开始。由于Covid-19的影响,这比平时晚。 报名将于2020年9月17日截止。 为了能够预定考试时间,考生必须创建一个在线Pearson Vue帐户。 请记住,这不能在7月1日之前完成–您需要等待报名时间开始。
UCAT 2020 UPDATE Please refer to our website for a list of U AT onsortium universities requiring the test. Please also check individual university websites for specific entry requirements of each course. 1 October andidates have the choice to sit the test at home (U AT Online) or at a Pearson VUE Test entre.
UCAT 2020: University Clinical Aptitude Test | PDF - Scribd
The UCAT is a 2-hour, computer-based admissions test used by UK medical and dental schools to assess skills beyond academic qualifications. It consists of 5 subtests in verbal reasoning, decision making, quantitative reasoning, abstract reasoning, and situational judgement. Free practice resources are available on the UCAT website.
UCAT考试换算表(2020 updated) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
下面是茵内特教育小编为大家整理的一篇关于UCAT考试换算表(2020 updated)的文章,供大家参考,下面是详细内容。 The UCAT conversion tables below should be used to convert your raw practice marks in each se…