2021 UCAT 考试综合指南 - 知乎
在这篇文章里我们详细介绍大家需要了解的有关 2021 UCAT 的所有信息,包括分数的运作方式、大学如何使用您的分数以及考试每个部分的具体策略。 UCAT 考试旨在帮助医学院评估候选人是否具备在医学或牙科课程中茁壮成长所需的态度、心理能力和专业精神。 许多 UCAT 大学都将其与考生的学校成绩、实习经验和个人陈述一起视为一项关键的入学要求。 今年 UCAT 表现看起来可能更加重要,因为它可能是账面上让你与其他考生区别开来的唯一因素。 如果申请英国医学 …
About the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT)
The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) is an admissions test, used by a consortium of UK and partner Universities to help select applicants to their medical and dental degree programmes.
2021 UCAT Scores Analysis - The Medic Portal
2021年10月4日 · Simon Pedley, Head of Academia, has analysed the final 2021 UCAT scores to bring you three key things you need to know. 1. More People Sat The UCAT This Year. UCAT stated that 37,230 tests were taken in this cycle. This compares to 34,153 in 2020, and 24,844 in 2017 with steady increases in between.
The Results Are In – UCAT 2021 Interim Scores - UniAdmissions
The 2021 interim scores have been published by UCAT, how do yours compare? We break down the scores and how they compare to previous years.
UCAT考试指南 - 金吉列留学官网
2021年7月30日 · 大学临床能力测试 (UCAT) 是英国大学联盟用于其医学和牙科学位课程的入学考试。 UCAT 帮助大学选择具有最合适的心理能力、态度和专业行为的申请人,这些能力是新医生和牙医在临床职业中取得成功所需的。 它与 UCAS 申请和学历等其他招生流程协同使用。
Interim 2021 UCAT Scores Released - The Medic Portal
2021年9月20日 · What Are The 2021 Interim UCAT Scores? Each year UCAT releases interim scores in the middle of the testing period. For 2021, the results cover all tests taken from the start of testing up to September 12th, 2021. The statistics are the results of 16,996 candidates who’ve sat the UCAT test already.
什麼是 UCAT - AMEC 英美澳國際有限公司
UCAT ANZ 2021 考試將於 2021 年 7 月 1 日至 8 月 11 日舉行。 哪些課程需要UCAT? 如果您對以下任何課程感興趣,您將需要參加 UCAT: UCAT有多少題? UCAT一共有233道題,分題分如下: 大約 10% 的問題將是試題,它們不會影響您的分數。 所有問題都將在電腦平台上以多項選擇的形式呈現。 UCAT多長時間? UCAT 總共需要大約 2 小時。 還有 5 分鐘的教學時間,每個子測試前 1 分鐘。 我如何註冊UCAT? 註冊開放後,您將能夠通過訪問 Pearson VUE 網站註冊 …
About the UCAT - University Clinical Aptitude Test
The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) is a computer-based admissions test, established in 2006 by a consortium of leading UK universities to help achieve greater fairness in selection. The UCAT is used by the current consortium of UK and partner Universities to help select applicants to their medical and dental degree programmes.
Ultimate UCAT Guide 2021
The document provides information about the UCAT exam, which is used for admission to medical and healthcare programs in the UK. It discusses the structure and format of the exam, including the different question types tested in each sub-section. The key dates for the 2021 exam cycle are outlined.
UCAT考试2021考生信息 - 知乎
Registration for UCAT 2021 opens on 2 June 2021 and booking opens on 28 June 2021. Testing opens on 26 July, by which time we are confident that capacity across our test centre network will be sufficient to accommodate all candidates.