University Clinical Aptitude Test for Australia and New Zealand (UCAT ANZ)
The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT ANZ) is an admissions test used by the UCAT ANZ Consortium of universities in Australia and New Zealand for their medical, dental and clinical science degree programmes.
Practice Tests | UCAT ANZ Consortium
Use our practice tests nearer your test date to review your performance under timed conditions. The Practice Tests are available in the standard UCAT ANZ and extended UCATANZ SEN timings. To prepare for the UCATANZ SA, UCATANZ SEN10 or UCATANZ SENSA you may want to use the untimed versions provided.
UCAT ANZ Test Cycle | UCAT ANZ Consortium
The UCAT ANZ is an admissions test, used by the UCAT ANZ Consortium of universities in Australia and New Zealand to help select applicants to their medical, dental and clinical science degree programmes.
澳洲医学院的入学考试:UCAT ANZ 或 ISAT - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
UCAT ANZ 是一项基于计算机的考试,考试时间为 2 小时。 它测试的是能力而不是学术能力,问题会检查你的认知能力、态度和行为。 数学和读写能力在考试中起着重要作用,但学校课程或科学内容不被考察。 UCAT ANZ 由五个部分组成,每个部分都有不同的问题数量、问题风格和评分系统。 它们是:文本推理、决策制定、定量推理、抽象推理和情境判断。 . 前四个部分中的每一个都旨在测试认知的不同组成部分。 例如,文本推理通过回答基于短文的理解问题来测试考生快 …
About The UCAT ANZ - Prep Zone Academy | UCAT
The UCAT ANZ (University Clinical Aptitude Test for Australia and New Zealand) is developed for medical, dental and clinical science degree programmes admission in Australia and New Zealand. It is an aptitude test to compliment your academic results.
申请澳洲医学院 如何准备 UCAT ANZ - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
UCAT是澳大利亚和新西兰的大多数大学用来选择学生进入与健康相关的高需求职业(例如医学和牙科)的三个主要标准之一(其他两个标准是高中毕业考试和面试的表现)。 UCAT是一个基于计算机的两个小时的测试,它评估了大学确定的对于在医学和牙科领域的实践很重要的心理能力。 它由五个单独计时的单项测试组成,每个单项测试均包含多项选择格式的问题。 由于对医学,牙科和其他一些健康科学课程的需求如此巨大,因此进入此类课程所需的12年级分数变得非常高。 …
What is UCAT and how to prepare for it - MedEntry
UCAT stands for University Clinical Aptitude Test. UCAT is one of three main criteria used by most universities in Australia and New Zealand to select students into high demand health related careers such as medicine and dentistry (the other two criteria being performance in final high school exams and interviews).
Best UCAT ANZ Syllabus Guide 2025 Key Sections & Study Tips.
The UCAT ANZ (University Clinical Aptitude Test for Australia and New Zealand) evaluates the aptitude and critical thinking skills of aspiring medical and dental students. It is divided into five distinct sections, each focusing on a specific skill set essential for healthcare professionals.
Register | UCAT ANZ Consortium
Registration for the UCAT ANZ is a two-step process of registering an account and booking a test, using the Pearson VUE registration system. Please refer to the Booking your Test page for further information. Candidates who are eligible for a reduced test fee should apply for the UCAT ANZ Concession Scheme before booking their test.
Admissions Tests for ANZ Medical Schools: UCAT ANZ vs. ISAT
The UCAT ANZ is a version of the UCAT specifically designed for students applying to medical and dental courses in Australia and New Zealand. While the content and format of the UCAT ANZ are similar to the UCAT, there may be minor differences in the questions and test administration.