About the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT)
The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) is a computer-based admissions test, established in 2006 by a consortium of leading UK universities to help achieve greater fairness in selection. The UCAT is used by the current consortium of UK and Partner Universities to help select applicants to their medical and dental degree programmes.
Booking your Test | UCAT Consortium
Registration for the UCAT is a two-step process of creating an account and booking a test, using the Pearson VUE registration system. New candidates must create a UCAT account before they can book a test. Register with your legal name exactly as it appears on the photo ID you intend to present when you test.
Practice Tests | UCAT Consortium
Use our practice tests nearer your test date to review your performance under timed conditions. These are available in the standard UCAT and extended UCATSEN timings. To prepare for the UCATSA, UCATSENSA, UCATSEN50 or UCATSEN50SA you may want to use the untimed versions provided.
University Clinical Aptitude Test - Wikipedia
The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) is an admissions test used by most medical and dental schools in the United Kingdom, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand in their applicant selection processes. [1]
UCAT OnVUE exam information // Pearson VUE
Find a private, distraction-free area to take your exam. Make sure your personal identification meets requirements. STEP 1. Do any last-minute prep. Be sure your computer and internet pass the pre-exam system test. Clear your desk/workspace of prohibited items and prep your equipment. Get your ID ready to present. Review our Exam rules /
Free Practice UCAT Test - The Medic Portal
We’ve carefully crafted this free online UCAT test to reflect the UCAT, so we can give you an illustrative score. As well as getting a forensic understanding of every single correct answer, you’ll also be able to diagnose where you need to focus your UCAT prep.
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Prepare | UCAT Consortium
Preparing for the UCAT. Candidates should use the free, official preparation materials to support their test preparation. Start by using the UCAT Preparation Plan to create a personalised study plan.
Your Guide To The UCAT Test For 2025 - The Medic Portal
The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) is a two-hour, computer-based test that’s designed to help universities gauge whether a candidate has the attitude, mental ability and professionalism needed to thrive. The UCAT is a key entry requirement for many Medicine and Dentistry courses.
University Clinical Aptitude Test for Australia and New Zealand (UCAT …
The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT ANZ) is an admissions test used by the UCAT ANZ Consortium of universities in Australia and New Zealand for their medical, dental and clinical science degree programmes.
Free UCAT Resources - The Medic Portal
Check out these free UCAT resources to get prepared for your test. We've got a comprehensive guide to the UCAT and score-boosting tips from experts - plus a free diagnostic test to identify your strengths and weaknesses. You can also catch up with our UCAT webinars and sign up for a free study plan to structure your prep.