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About the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT)
UCAT Essentials will guide you through all the important steps in completing your UCAT journey. UCAT Essentials - What do I need to know? The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) is an admissions test, used by a consortium of UK and partner Universities to help select applicants to their medical and dental degree programmes.
UCAT Test Dates | UCAT Consortium - University Clinical Aptitude …
These are the key dates and deadlines for the 2025 test cycle. We do not make exceptions to our deadlines. It is your responsibility to book and sit your test within the testing window. You are strongly recommended to book a test date early in the testing window.
About UCAT | UCAT Consortium - University Clinical Aptitude Test
The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) is a computer-based admissions test, established in 2006 by a consortium of leading UK universities to help achieve greater fairness in selection. The UCAT is used by the current consortium of UK and partner Universities to help select applicants to their medical and dental degree programmes.
UCAT考试是什么? - 知乎专栏
UCAT考试是“大学临床能力倾向测试”,UCAT考试是英国多所医学院使用的入学考试,考试是在指定的考试中心机考进行的,考试中心遍布英国和国际各地。 学生不用担心中国没有考点,上海 北京等多地都有考点。 UCAT考试时间持续两个小时,它包括五个单独的时间分进行测试,评估一系列被大学、医学院和牙科学校认定为重要的智力能力和技能问题。 每个子测试包含多个选择格式的项目。 请注意,在2019年之前,UCAT (大学临床能力倾向测试)被称为 UKCAT,虽然名称已 …
Your Guide To The UCAT Test For 2025 - The Medic Portal
The UCAT is an admissions test required by the majority of Medical Schools in the UK - and many in Australia and New Zealand. This UCAT guide details everything you need to know about the 2025 test, including how scores work, how universities use your scores, and specific strategies for every section of the test.
UCAT是什麼?UCAT考試攻略、報考時間、五大題型 - 都市新便利
2022年1月25日 · UCAT全稱為University Clinical Aptitude Tese,中文名是英國大學臨床能力測試。 它是英國、澳大利亞和新西蘭等國家中大多數醫學院用於考核學生入學的三個主要標準之一,旨在測試考生去解釋以各種格式呈現的數字和書面信息的能力,考生需要具備靈活的思維能力,並有良好的能力去理解和應對患者的需求和個人情況。 因此,UCAT也被認為是一種心理能力測試,並不是基於學術課程或特定項目的研究,而是作為刺激反應測試。 其中有一些以UCAT為必要申 …
University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) | Undergraduate Study
Access question banks and practice tests on the UCAT website. We don’t expect you to get every question right – you can learn more about how your performance fits into the rest of your …
UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) - University of Oxford
Applicants can register to sit the UCAT by creating a UCAT account (from 13 May 2025) and then booking a test from 17 June 2025. The test is usually taken between July and September. For more information about registering for the UCAT, please see UCAT's pages on booking a test.
University Clinical Aptitude Test - Wikipedia
The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) is an admissions test used by most medical and dental schools in the United Kingdom, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand in their applicant selection processes. [1] .