Centro Espírita Beneficente União do Vegetal in the United States
Get to know the Centro Espírita Beneficente União do Vegetal (UDV) in the United States. The União do Vegetal (UDV) is a Christian Spiritist religion that originated in Brazil and is now …
About - Centro Espírita Beneficente União do Vegetal in the …
The UDV has núcleos – or active, practicing communities – in over 100 cities and villages throughout Brazil with a membership of over 21,000. Approximately 600 UDV members live in …
Our History — Centro Espírita Beneficente União do Vegetal in the ...
In the UDV we seek to emulate the life example lived by Mestre Gabriel, a man who, despite having little formal education, brought to humanity the most noble virtues of human relations. …
Religious Freedom - Centro Espírita Beneficente União do Vegetal …
Despite the confirmation of the UDV’s fundamental legitimacy, misconceptions may exist regarding our faith and the use of our sacrament, Hoasca®. The following details the legal …
Supreme Court Case — Centro Espírita Beneficente União do …
In response to the UDV lawsuit, the U.S. government claimed that it had a compelling interest in suppressing the use of controlled substances and that its interest could only be effectively …
FAQ - Centro Espírita Beneficente União do Vegetal in the United …
What is the Centro Espirita Beneficente Uniao Do Vegetal (or UDV)? The UDV is a Christian Spiritist religion that originated in Brazil and is now practiced by over 21,000 people in 11 …
Charitable Works — Centro Espírita Beneficente União do Vegetal …
Last year alone, the UDV’s charitable works positively impacted nearly 100,000 people. Each local center of the UDV conducts charitable outreach activities that positively impact the …
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act. Over a period of several years, beginning in 1995, the Judiciary Committee of both the United States Senate and House of …