This document describes the technical details of the Unfolding Five Factor Model (UFFM-I) 20-item scale and reports its psychometric properties. The UFFM-I Conscientiousness scale was developed by first creating six 9-item facet scales according to the Costa and McCrae (1995) structure of FFM trait facets:
Unfolding Five Factor Model Inventory (UFFM-I) Conscientiousness (20 Items) Item # Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree 1 I tend to do just enough work to get by. 2 I procrastinate a lot. My performance at work is always adequate, no more 3 and no less. I am good about getting things done on time but ...
Figure 5.1: Test characteristic curve for the UFFM-I excitement-seeking scale.....32 Figure 5.2: Test information function for the UFFM-I excitement-seeking scale.....33 Figure 5.3: CFA of GGUM scores and GRM scores.....35 Figure 6.1: Curvilinear relationship of activity level with positive affect and positive emotions with negative affect ...
Trường Đại học Tài chính - Marketing
Trường Đại học Tài chính - Marketing đào tạo nguồn nhân lực theo tiêu chuẩn quốc gia và khu vực, chuyển giao những thành tựu khoa học về kinh doanh và quản lý; tham gia hoạch định chiến lược và chính sách cho ngành Tài chính, các doanh nghiệp và tổ chức xã hội.
Enhancing Person Re-Identification via Uncertainty Feature Fusion …
2024年5月2日 · In this paper, a new approach is introduced that enhances the capability of ReID models through the Uncertain Feature Fusion Method (UFFM) and Auto-weighted Measure Combination (AMC). UFFM generates multi-view features using features extracted independently from multiple images to mitigate view bias.
chequanghuy/Enhancing-Person-Re-Identification-via-UFFM-and …
Additional arguments for the command line interface: --uffm_only: Use this flag to only apply the Uncertain Feature Fusion Method (UFFM). --out: Directory where the output will be saved. Default is "output". The test results may vary slightly (up to ±0.1) from those reported in the paper, depending on the hardware.
Psychometric Details of The 20-Item UFFM-I Consc Scale
This document describes the development and psychometric properties of the 20-item Unfolding Five Factor Model (UFFM-I) Conscientiousness scale. Items were developed to represent facets of conscientiousness and analyzed using item response theory.
NVIDIA Unified Fabric Manager (UFM)
NVIDIA UFM® 平台将增强的实时网络遥测与 AI 驱动的网络智能和分析相结合,为数据中心网络管理带来革新,从而支持横向扩展的 InfiniBand 数据中心。 UFM 平台可助力科研和企业数据中心操作人员对 InfiniBand 高性能数据中心网络进行高效调配、监控、管理以及预防性故障排除并进行维护。 UFM 平台包含多个不同级别的解决方案和全面的功能集,可满足广泛的现代横向扩展数据中心需求。 使用 UFM,您可以实现更高的网络资源利用率,充分发挥网络的先进特性,减少整 …
Estudios - Universidad Francisco Marroquín
Instituciones, Burocracia y Estado de Derecho.
Khoa Marketing
Khoa Marketing đào tạo Ngành Marketing với ba chuyên ngành: Quản trị Marketing, Quản trị Thương hiệu, Truyền thông Marketing. GIỚI THIỆU 03 CHUYÊN NGÀNH CỦA KHOA …