Oyster toadfish - Wikipedia
The oyster toadfish (Opsanus tau), also known as the oyster toad, ugly toad, oyster cracker, oyster catcher, and bar dog, is a Northwest Atlantic species of fish of the family Batrachoididae. The maximum length of this toadfish is 43.2 cm (17 …
Oyster Toadfish Vocalizations - Ocean Conservation Research
AKA Ugly toad, Oyster cracker, Bar dog, Dowdy LENGTH Avg. 30 cm (12”) max 38 cm (15”) WEIGHT Max 580g (1.3 lbs) LIFETIME Both males and females mature in their second year and live to approximately 8 and 5 years, respectively. PHYSICAL TRAITS Yellowish with a pattern of brown bars, camouflage patterns
Oyster Toadfish Fish Facts - Opsanus tau - A-Z Animals
2024年5月27日 · The oyster toadfish is a strange-looking (some may even say ugly) fish that makes its home in the secluded holes and hiding spots along the shore of the eastern United States. The bumpy skin, long mouth, and bulging eyes have earned it very appropriate comparisons to the common toad .
Inshore: Oyster Toadfish Life History Profile - The Fisherman
2022年7月18日 · Oyster toadfish are also known as an oyster cracker, or ugly toad. Most oyster toadfish encountered by anglers are around 12 inches in length, but they can grow a maximum size of 17 inches long. Their coloration is a yellowish hue …
Oyster toadfish - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio
The oyster toadfish, Opsanus tau, also known as the oyster toad, ugly toad, oyster cracker, oyster catcher, and bar dog, is a Northeast Atlantic species of fish of the family Batrachoididae. The maximum length of this toadfish is 43.2 cm (17 in), but they infrequently surpass 38 cm (15 in).
31 Facts About Oyster Toadfish
2025年1月19日 · Oyster toadfish, also known as "oyster cracker" or "ugly toad," have unique adaptations like venomous spines and the ability to produce sounds, making them fascinating marine creatures. Oyster toadfish can live up to 24 years, survive in low-oxygen environments, and have interesting mating rituals, making them a truly resilient and intriguing ...
能不能通俗地解释一下海德格尔的向死而生? - 知乎
海德格尔的原文是Sein zum Tode,翻译过来应该是“向死存在”而不是“向死而生”。 网上许多对向死存在的理解都是错的,它不是宣扬一种直面死亡的英雄主义,也不是鼓吹珍惜当下的心灵鸡汤。
Ugly as a toad - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Extremely unattractive or visually displeasing. A: "Why would anyone want to date me? I'm as ugly as a toad!" B: "Hey, now, that's just not true! Plus, you're an incredibly smart, funny, and sweet person!" Everyone keeps hailing the building's design as some innovative and daring artistic statement, but I think it looks ugly as a toad.
【09.14.23】《丑陋(Ugly)》官方中文 TENOKE镜像版 …
2007年12月9日 · 这款激动人心的解谜平台游戏讲述了一个饱受折磨的贵族面对他过去的创伤。 你要揭开隐藏的黑暗秘密,使用创新的镜像机制解决具有挑战性的谜题房间,并击败高高屹立的头目,同时努力拼凑出丑陋的真相。 1. 解压缩. 2. 载入镜像. 3. 安装游戏. 4. 复制Crack文件夹下的未加密补丁到游戏目录覆盖. 5. 运行游戏. 1. 是非常优秀的作品,在某一方面非常杰出. 2. 全方位都比较优秀,玩家不得不玩的作品. 3. 可玩可不玩的作品,缺乏真正游戏的素质. 4. 很糟糕的制作水 …
德语向死而生究竟怎样写? - 知乎
2021年11月26日 · 原文 Das Sein zum Tode, 在表达的时候是有自己的语法结构的, das Sein 是中心语,zum Tode 是 后置定语。 例句:Das alltägliche Sein zum Tode ist als verfallendes eine ständige Flucht vor ihm. 而复合词Dasseinzumtode则表示引用,看例子:Das von Ihnen zitierte DASSEINZUMTODE verstehe ich nicht. 底下那个大概就是不懂德语的看不明白所以不知道在哪里打空格。 原话是海德格尔的 Sein zum Tode, sein用作生存,蛮少用的(也可能是我没咋见 …