Calculations UGR Concepts - Lighting Analysts
AGi32 will calculate UGR for any electric lighting application. It is up to the user to understand the UGR limitations and applicability of UGR. UGR and Discomfort Glare Criteria. One UGR unit represents the least detectable step in discomfort glare evaluation, and three UGR units represent an acceptability step in glare criteria.
What is UGR? UGR stands for Unified Glare Rating - nvcuk.com
UGR is an expression of the relative intensity of the light from a light fitting compared with the intensity of the light from the surrounding area, as perceived by the viewer. A UGR can only be calculated for an indoor lighting installation.
UGR (Unified Glare Rating) | ERCO Lighting knowledge
UGR stands for ‘Unified Glare Rating’ and is a method for assessing the glare effect of indoor lighting systems. It evaluates ‘psychological’, i.e. disturbing glare, but where there is no reduction in visual performance. The calculation method only provides meaningful results for mainly direct distribution luminaires.
caused by an electric lighting system along a psychometric scale of discomfort. In simpler words, UGR predicts the amount of discomfort. causing glare produced by a lighting installation for a fixed set. ility glare, which impacts the viewer’s ability to discer. tes no perceived discomfort and a rating of 31 indicates intolerable discomfort. .
Calculation of the Unified Glare Rating (UGR)
UGR calculation comprehensively factors in luminance levels, solid angles of light sources, and background luminance. This article dissects the formulas, explains each variable in detail, and provides extensive tables and real-world case studies to help you master UGR evaluation. The primary equation applied for calculating UGR is as follows:
Calculation of the Unified Glare Rating based on luminance …
2015年1月1日 · In the UGR formula, there is a quadratic relation with luminance value (Equation (1)) and subdivisions with a higher luminance level will be more important in the calculation of UGR compared to subdivisions with a lower luminance value.
Understanding Unified Glare Rating (UGR) - Modern.Place
2023年7月25日 · UGR takes into account the direct light component in predicting discomfort glare due to its brightness and ‘risk index’, giving a numerical value as output determined via a mathematical formula. When selecting fixtures, it’s important for designers and contractors to consider factors like size, shape, angle, and color temperature of ...
UGR table method - Trilux
The UGR formula can be evaluated for realistic observing conditions and installation-specific exceptions, e.g. luminaire characteristics, luminaire arrangement, reflectance values of room boundary surfaces etc. Corresponding computer programmes are available.
CIE 117-1995-室内照明不适眩光-国家数字标准馆 - ndls.org.cn
本技术报告中描述的统一眩光等级(UGR)公式结合了艾因霍恩公式和霍普金森公式的特点,并结合了Guth位置指数。 从实用性和对眩光预测结果的熟悉程度来看,它可以被认为是由主要公式中最好的部分组成。 该公式识别了观察者位置和视线方向对眩光指数的影响。 该报告还在附录中描述了一种表格法,该方法使用参考值和标准条件,允许制作简单的表格,类似于灯具数据表中使用的利用系数表格。 通过亮度限制曲线(UGR曲线)方法粗略估计不适眩光。 附录还显示了如何 …
Unified Glare Rating (UGR) - LSI Lighting
There are 2 methods to calculate UGR: Generate a normal lighting design of the space with known fixture quantity, mounting heights, reflectances and appropriate lighting levels. Place individual observers in key locations of a building or an entire “grid” of observers in a space that will show the UGR measurement at each observer location.