MD Helicopters MH-6 Little Bird - Wikipedia
The Boeing MH-6M Little Bird (nicknamed the Killer Egg) and its attack variant, the AH-6, are light helicopters used for special operations in the United States Army. Originally based on a …
Hughes OH-6 Cayuse - Wikipedia
The Hughes OH-6 Cayuse is a single-engine light helicopter designed and produced by the American aerospace company Hughes Helicopters. Its formal name is derived from the …
Boeing AH-6 - Wikipedia
The Boeing AH-6 is a series of light helicopter gunships based on the MH-6 Little Bird and MD 500 family. Developed by Boeing Rotorcraft Systems, these include the Unmanned Little Bird …
MH-6 (航空機) - Wikipedia
MH-6 リトルバード (英語: MH-6 Little Bird)は、 MDヘリコプターズ が生産している軽 汎用 ・攻撃強襲用 ヘリコプター である。 OH-6 の軍用派生版。 愛称はMH-6が リトルバー …
UH-60通用直升机 - 百度百科
UH-60通用直升机(美国陆军编号:UH-60 Utility Helicopter,公司编号:S-70A,代号:Black Hawk,译文:黑鹰,通称:西科斯基“黑鹰”),是美国一型四旋翼、双发通用直升机 [1]。 …
全球装备鉴赏——A/MH-6“小鸟 ”直升机(上) - 哔哩哔哩
oh-6以民用形式销售,是休斯500型,向其开发了几种军事形式以供出口-其中第一种是休斯500m到哥伦比亚。 生产标签 最初的生产属于Hughes Helicopters,Incorporated旗下, …
Hughes OH-6 Cayuse - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero …
The Hughes OH-6 Cayuse is a single-engine helicopter developed by Hughes Helicopter fitted with a four-bladed main rotor. It is used for personnel transport, escort and attack operations, …
OH-6型直升机 - 百度百科
oh-6型直升机是飞得最远的直升机是美国的oh-6型直升机。1966年4月6~7日,该机由飞行员费瑞驾驶,创造了直线航程3561.55公里的世界纪录。越南战争中,美国陆军急需一种可操作性 …
uh form 6 (pers) rev. 8/12 1. uh id number 2. name (caps) last, first, middle 3.address zip code street city state 4.date of birth 5. sex 6. us citizen 7. visa type 8. visa nte 9. hi 10. vet 11. …
6 uH Shielded Power Inductors - SMD – Mouser - Mouser …
Mouser offers inventory, pricing, & datasheets for 6 uH Shielded Power Inductors - SMD.