Sign In - Enterprise Secure Sign On - UnitedHealth Group
Enterprise Secure Sign On gives UnitedHealth Group employees and contractors access to applications via entry of an Employee ID and password. Do not share your Employee ID or password!
Employee resources - UnitedHealth Group
Employee Resources provides you with important information about company policies, pay and benefits, IT support, emergency prepared, and more, to support your experience as a UnitedHealth Group employee. Employee Center. Get help with questions about time, pay, learning or policies. Explore top questions to find quick answers to common issues.
UnitedHealth Group(UHG) Employee Discount Program
UnitedHealth Group employees can find amazing discounts, rewards & perks on the UnitedHealth Group Employee Discount Portal. Savings of up to 4,900$ per year with deals across a broad range of categories! Register or Login through your UHG employee login and start saving now.
联合健康集团 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
聯合健康集團 (英語: UnitedHealth Group, NYSE: UNH)是全球營業額第二大的 健康保險 及 衛生資訊科技 公司,總部設在 美國 明尼蘇達州 明尼托卡 [2]。 該公司於2020年 财富世界500强 公司中排名第7 [3]。 《财富杂志》評選聯合健保為美國保險和管理式照護公司中最受敬重的健康保險公司第一名。 2015年3月30日,聯合健康集團旗下的卧騰(Optum)同意以大約128億美元的價格收購藥物福利管理公司Catamaran Corp。 聯合健康集團旗下有五大公司: 聯合健康集團為各 …
1099 Electronic Delivery
Here, you will be able to retrieve 1099-MISC, 1099-NEC, and/or 1099-INT forms associated with your Tax Identification Number (TIN). This includes any of these forms issued by UnitedHealth Group and its affiliates. Tax Year 2024 1099 forms are …
English- UnitedHealth Group
UnitedHealth Group helps people live healthier lives and helps make the health system work better for everyone.
UHG CLL Sort is a secure sign-on authentication gateway for UnitedHealth Group's online services.
Contact Us - UnitedHealth Group
Contact information for UnitedHealth Group, including our corporate mailing address and phone number.
Home | UnitedHealthcare Global
Manage your health quickly and securely with the app. Scan the QR code to download. Find a doctor, medical specialist, mental health care provider, hospital or lab. Find a local pharmacy …
LiveTiles Reach
Sparq News provides the latest updates and information for UnitedHealth Group employees and contractors.