Universal House of Justice - Wikipedia
The Universal House of Justice is the nine-member supreme ruling body of the Baháʼí Faith. It was envisioned by Baháʼu'lláh, the founder of the Baháʼí Faith, as an institution that could legislate on issues not already addressed in the Baháʼí writings, providing flexibility for the Baháʼí Faith to adapt to changing conditions. [1] .
Official Website of the Universal House of Justice
The Universal House of Justice of Baha'u'llah fulfills prophecy for the “House of the Lord” spoken of by the prophet Isaiah as that Universal House of Knowledge and Education sent by God and “preserved from all error” to guide all the people of the world through education and justice to that everlasting Promise of Peace – that secret of Divine C...
Messages of the Universal House of Justice
Since 1963, the Universal House of Justice has guided the Bahá’í world community to develop its capacity to participate in building a prosperous global civilization.
Selected Messages of the Universal House of Justice
2011年4月7日 · The messages of the Universal House of Justice—and letters written on its behalf—provide analysis, vision and direction, and ensure unity of thought and action as the Bahá’í community learns to translate Bahá’u’lláh’s vision for humanity into reality. A selection of more than 400 such messages can be found here.
The Universal House of Justice - An official website of the Bahá’í …
Bahá’u’lláh conferred authority upon the Universal House of Justice to exert a positive influence on the welfare of humankind, to promote education, peace and global prosperity, and to safeguard human honour and the position of religion.
The Universal House of Justice - Baha'i
Since its first election in 1963, the Universal House of Justice has guided the Bahá’í world community to develop its capacity to participate in building a prosperous global civilization.
Universal House of Justice - Bahaipedia
The Universal House of Justice (Persian: بیتالعدل اعظم, "Baytu’l-’Adl-i-A’ẓam" / "Bait al-Adl al-Azam") [1], is the supreme governing institution of the Bahá’í Faith.
Riḍván Messages - The Universal House of Justice
Each year on the first day of Ridván—which generally falls on 20 or 21 April—the Universal House of Justice addresses a letter to the worldwide Bahá’í community, known as the Riḍván message.
The Constitution of the Universal House of Justice
The Universal House of Justice guides the activities of the global Bahá’í community. This site is the official source of information about the UHJ.
Baha'i Faith -- Universal House of Justice - uhj.net
At such a time as this, the Light of Divine Guidance, the true Universal House of Justice of Baha'u'llah has appeared with the living descendant of King David, through Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha as its president.