Max Repair Power - UHU
MAX REPAIR POWER is a powerful and flexible repair adhesive for long lasting results of all sorts of repairs on porous and non-porous materials. Suitable for indoor and outdoor applications.
All Purpose Power - UHU
UHU All Purpose Power, the transparent, fast and powerful universal adhesive with exceptional bonding strength. Can be used for single-sided bonds (wet bonding) or for dual-sided bonds (contact glueing). Particularly suitable for visible joints and transparent materials. The adhesive film remains elastic, is UV resistant, and does not become ...
Glue Gun Creative Low Melt - UHU
Low melt glue gun for hobbyists and for decorative purposes. Suitable for metal, wood, glass, ceramic, leather, textiles,many plastics etc. Even glues heat-sensitive materials such as polystyrene and soft PVC quickly, cleanly and reliably. Not suitable for Polypropylene (PP), Polyethylene (PE) and P.T.F.E.
MSTO-211H-Luc cell line - Ubigene
The MSTO-211H-Luc cell line cell line that Ubigene provide can stably express firefly luciferase, with high specificity and high sensitivity, can be directly used for in vivo injection, CDS model construction, and cell tracking.
人胸膜间皮瘤细胞MSTO-211H-上海细胞库 - bluefcell.com
人胸膜间皮瘤细胞MSTO-211H取自62岁男性供体,该细胞源于DSMZ. 注释. Part of: Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE) project. Part of: COSMIC cell lines project. Part of: MYC genetic alteration cell panel (ATCC TCP-1035). Doubling time: 20 hours (PubMed=2840315); 20 hours (CLS); ~30-40 hours (DSMZ).
人肺癌细胞(MSTO-211H)_源井生物【官网】 - Ubigene
MSTO-211H是一株表现成纤维细胞形态的细胞系,从一名62岁的白人男性双相间皮瘤患者的肺中分离出来,来源于肺转移部位。 患者之前没有接受过放疗或化疗。 MSTO-211H细胞具有高亲和力的EGF结合位点,并表达神经元特异性烯醇酶 (NSE)及人绒毛膜促性腺激素 (HCG)的α与β亚基。 未检测到左旋多巴胺脱羧酶 (DDC),邦巴辛与神经tensin。 细胞过表达c-myc原癌基因,并没有观察到基因重排或扩增。 V-src, v-abl, v-erb B, c-raf 1, Ha-ras, Ki-ras, 和 N-ras的表达呈阳性。 未 …
msto-211h细胞 (人肺癌细胞)_思泰默细胞 - stemrecell.com
msto-211h 人肺癌细胞是一种显示成纤维细胞形态的细胞系,于1985年从患有双相间皮瘤的62岁白人男性患者的肺中分离出来。 临床数据:该患者之前未接受过放疗或化疗。
华为显示器 B3-211H - 华为商城
【华为显示器 b3-211h】官方渠道售卖! 华为商城提供最新款的【华为显示器 B3-211H】的价格、参数、图片等信息。 官方品质保证,欢迎选购!
Por - UHU
POR is a quick-setting special adhesive for bonding expanded polysterene, e.g. Styropor® also in combination with other materials. It forms an elastic adhesive film which is highly resistant to age and which is colorless and waterproof.
Kramer 2x1 Automatic 4K UHD HDMI Standby Switcher - B&H Photo …
2021年3月7日 · The 2x1 Automatic 4K UHD HDMI Standby Switcher from Kramer is an automatic switcher for 4K UHD HDMI video signals. It offers priority and last connected switching options and automatically switches according to the selected switching scheme based on active video signal detection. The switcher supports resolutions up to 4K @ 60 Hz (4:4:4) UHD.
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