FSPU - UiTM Perak Branch
The centre of studies for Construction is one of the first centre of studies formed under the School of Architecture, Planning and Surveying (currently known as Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying) at the same time with the establishment of MARA Institute of …
Kolej Pengajian Alam Bina (KAB)
College of Built Environment prepares the students to create spaces and living ecosystems where innovation and sustainability thrive. We blend a forward-thinking curriculum in various built-environment fields with real-world experiences that will cultivate critical thinking.
Postgraduate Studies - Kolej Pengajian Alam Bina (KAB)
In line with the educational empowerment postgraduate initiatives in UiTM, FSPU has taken steps to develop various dynamic and sustainable programs in order to fulfill the needs of all stakeholders. Up to 2020, FSPU has eight (8) Master programmes (coursework), one (1) Master programme (research) and one (1) Doctorate programme in research mode ...
Profile - Kolej Pengajian Alam Bina (KAB)
However, the Malay acronym "FSPU" (which stands for Fakulti Senibina, Perancangan dan Ukur) is commonly used within UiTM. In 1996, due to the restructuring of the Faculty of Engineering, the Department of Surveying Science and Geomatics was placed under the faculty.
xposure to research and application. This programme is designed for future managers and decision makers of various government sectors or private agencies for mapping, land management, environment, forestry, agriculture, geology, urban and regional planning, security, disaster, business, information technology etc. Graduates of this programme can...
Architecture / UiTM - AP243 Bachelor of Science (Architecture)
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Architecture. The Bachelor of Science (Architecture) or BSc (Arch) programme is a full-time study for duration between 3-4 years, depending on the candidate’s...
Programme of Quantity Surveying (CFAP114 / CFAP224) - UiTM …
The centre of studies for Quantity Surveying is one of the pioneering centre of studies established at faculty. The centre of studies currently conducts two programmes - Diploma in Quantity Surveying (DQS) and Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (BQS).
Programme of PhD in Design & Built Environment (CFAP992)
2021年10月7日 · Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Cawangan Perak, Kampus Tapah, 35400, Tapah Road, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia. Tel: +605 - 406 7000 Fax: +605 - 406 7712. General Inquiry: Corporate Communication Unit. Email: [email protected]
FSPU – UiTM NewsHub
2023年7月24日 · Pelajar Fakulti Senibina Perancangan dan Ukur (FSPU) dari Pusat Pengajian Perancangan Bandar dan Wilayah, Amir Rafique…
Dari Meja Korporat FSPU – UiTM NewsHub
Sejarah terukir sekali lagi apabila Pusat Pengajian Ukur Bahan (PPUB), Fakulti Senibina, Perancangan dan Ukur (FSPU)…