UniFi - Rethinking IT - Ubiquiti
UniFi is rethinking IT with industry-leading products for enterprise networking, security, and more unified in an incredible software interface.
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UniFi WiFi - Ubiquiti
WiFi perfected. Thoughtfully designed access points with enterprise-class performance, effortless scalability, and an unrivaled management experience.
随身wifi里UIFI跟MIFI又是什么? - 知乎
随身WIFI主要分为 UIFI 和 MIFI 两种, UIFI是不带电池的,其中不带电池的分为插卡版和免插卡版,MIFI则是带电池的,也是分为 插卡版 和 免插卡版 两种。 UIFI相对MIFI要小巧轻便一些,毕竟没带电池,尺寸一般比U盘大一些,随身携带方便,不管走到哪里,找地方插上通电就能有网络。 而 MIFI 相对UIFI ...
Ubiquiti - Rethinking IT
Ubiquiti | UniFi | 日臻完善的 WiFi
A thoughtfully designed product family
UniFi Network - Ubiquiti
Access and manage your UniFi network devices, clients, and traffic with Ubiquiti's cloud-based platform.
Ubiquiti - 下载
Technology platforms for Internet Access, Enterprise, and SmartHome applications.
UniFi — 重新思考 IT - Ubiquiti
UniFi 以領先業界的企業網路、安全性產品重新思考 IT,並進一步統一在令人讚嘆的軟體介面中。