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This semi-annual flagship conference of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society will bring together individuals from academia, government, and industry to discuss and exchange ideas in the fields of wireless, mobile, and vehicular technology.
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Public Portal | Vermont Judiciary
The Public Portal is a web-based platform that offers court users and members of the general public customized role-based access to court records, hearing calendars and other data. The Portal also provides a convenient way to pay court fines …
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Where transformational vision meets real-world strategies to define modern university excellence.
News | UIK
The 43rd Summer Courses of the UPV/EHU consolidate their position as benchmark for the dissemination of knowledge and contemporary reflection
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University of Vermont - Niche
2024年11月13日 · Since 1791, the University of Vermont has worked to build a thriving future for people and planet. Today, UVM is a top 100 research university where discovery, creativity, community and action coalesce in support of our singular, urgent goal: make tomorrow better.
University of Vermont - NCAA.com
University of Vermont sports news and features, including conference, nickname, location and official social media handles.