Office of Information Practices | UIPA - Hawaii.gov
The Uniform Information Practices Act (Modified), chapter 92F, Hawaii Revised Statutes (“UIPA”), is Hawaii’s public records law. The Office of Information Practices (“OIP”) was created by the Legislature in 1988 to administer the UIPA.
Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA) - Hawaii.gov
Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA) This is an unofficial version of the Uniform Information Practices Act (Modified), chapter 92F, Hawaii Revised Statutes (“UIPA”). It contains all amendments enacted through the Legislature’s 2020 regular session.
Aug 8, 2019 · The UIPA is codified as chapter 92F of the Hawaii Revised Statutes (“HRS”). The UIPA governs both (1) the public’s right to access government records and (2) the individual’s right to access and correct his or her personal records maintained by the government.
Office of Information Practices
Through this website, you have access to a wealth of open government information and OIP is able to cost-effectively and efficiently share the knowledge of its experienced staff members to encourage greater awareness of and compliance with Hawaii’s UIPA and Sunshine Law.
Office of Information Practices | Forms - Hawaii.gov
uipa: OIP has created the following model forms that may be used by the public to request access to a government record or by government agencies to reply to a requester. Additionally, under “Other Forms,” OIP has created a UIPA Record Request Log for agencies to use to track and report record requests.
Office of Information Practices | UIPA Guide - Hawaii.gov
Informal Guide to Processing Large or Complex UIPA Record Requests (pdf) Quick Review: Responding to a Personal Record Request (pdf)
Office of Information Practices | UIPA Record Request Log
The UIPA Record Request Log is a tool for agencies to better assist the public by tracking written requests for records, recording agencies’ response times, calculating fees and costs, and reporting results.
Oct 10, 2018 · UIPA. What Records Does the UIPA Cover? The UIPA requires agencies to disclose all “government records.” This term is defined broadly to include any information maintained by an agency that is recorded in any physical form. OIP has interpreted “maintained” to mean information physically possessed or administratively cont rolled by an ...
Office of Information Practices | Training Materials Index
Basic UIPA Training Videos and Training Materials (Nov. 2021) Detailed UIPA training is provided in a two-part, closed captioned video totaling about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Written transcripts and copies of the PowerPoint slides are also provided.
Office of Information Practices | Rules - Hawaii.gov
oip’s rules regarding uipa record requests OIP’s administrative rules, “Agency Procedures and Fees for Processing Government Records Requests,” took effect on February 26, 1999. These rules are set forth at Chapter 71 of Title 2 of the Hawaii Administrative Rules.