UK Biobank - UK Biobank
UK Biobank is a large-scale biomedical database and research resource containing de-identified genetic, lifestyle and health information and biological samples from half a million UK participants.
UK Biobank - Wikipedia
UK Biobank is a long-term prospective biobank study in the United Kingdom (UK) [1] that houses de-identified [2] biological samples and health-related data [3] on half a million people.
UK Biobank - DNAnexus
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UKB : UKB Homepage
Welcome to the UK Biobank online resource centre. For convenience content has been arranged under the following sections: Participant Area. For participants in UK Biobank - update your contact details and assist with additional extension studies. Data showcase. For researchers - examine the rich trove of data available from UK Biobank.
Using UK Biobank’s name and logo Communications guidelines for approved researchers accessing th. UK Biobank database At delighted UK Biobank our mission is to enable scientific discoveries that improve human health. W e are These guidelines that you have chosen to use UK Biobank’s database in your research. press re.
About our data - UK Biobank
UK Biobank has collected and continues to collect extensive environmental, lifestyle, and genetic data on half a million participants. New data are uploaded into the database regularly. Registered researchers receive emails when new data are available for release. Information on the timelines for data releases, can be found below.
50万人数据库UK Biobank使用介绍 - CSDN博客
2022年4月5日 · 本文详细解读了UKBiobank,英国最大的生物样本数据库,包括数据采集流程、基因组与生化样本信息,以及如何通过官网获取和搜索数据。 介绍了志愿者招募、问卷调查、身体测量和生物样本收集等内容,展示了数据库结构和数据分类系统。 UK Biobank(英国生物样本数据库),简称为UKB,UKB生物数据库是由维康信托基金和英国政府 (医学研究委员会、卫生部和苏格兰行政院)资助,并注册成为一家慈善公司。 该生物数据库是一个试点项目,目的是将英国 …
The UK Biobank is a collection of a half million individuals with paired genetic and phenotype information that has been enormously valuable in studies of genetic etiology for common diseases and traits. However, most genome-wide analyses of …
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Das UKBB bietet eine umfassende medizinische, pflegerische und therapeutische Betreuung von Kindern und Jugendlichen. Im Herzen unserer Vision steht eine liebevolle Umgebung, die Sicherheit und Vertrauen für Patient*innen und ihre Familien schafft. Könnt ihr am Familientisch in Frieden und Harmonie essen – oder herrscht da ein kleiner #PickyEater?
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