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News Features and reports from UKIP North West region. Tax under a Labour Government - So VOTE UKIP.
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Official UK Independence Party Channel.
UKIP | United Kingdom Independence Party
Declare war on far-left extremism, on the Communists and Marxists in our institutions, tax payer funded public sector and within society. Fight and defeat the main proponents of the culture war: the radical trans lobby, woke ideology, political correctness, the weaponisation of race and the re-writing of history.
英國獨立黨 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
英國獨立黨 (英語: UK Independence Party,缩写為 UKIP)是 英國 的一個 右翼民粹主义 政黨。 該黨主要的政治理念是推動 英國脫離歐盟。 該黨成立之初便以使 英國脫離歐盟 為目標,支持透過舉行公投退出歐盟。 不少英國獨立黨支持者是來自原 保守黨 的疑歐派強硬支持者,要求退出歐盟,並認為保守黨對歐盟的立場並不堅定。 2009年歐洲議會選舉,獨立黨一舉取得11個議席,與三大主流政黨 保守黨 、 工黨 和 自由民主黨 並駕齊驅。 其後的 2010年英國大選,獨立黨獲 …
UKIP TV (@ukiptv) - Twitter
2010年1月9日 · The latest Tweets from UKIP TV (@ukiptv): "Major #earthquake in Haiti , our thoughts go out to the people there it sounds catastrophic."
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UKIP: The First 100 Days - Wikipedia
UKIP: The First 100 Days is a 2015 mockumentary which was broadcast on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom on 16 February 2015, a few months before the May 2015 general election. It tells the fictional story of how the country would be run if the UK Independence Party (UKIP), a Eurosceptic party, were to win the election and leader Nigel Farage ...
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UKIP TV. 504 likes. Informing Britain about what UKIP stands for and how it can help to better the country and the Briti
UKIP: The First 100 Days | Monday, 9pm | Channel 4 - YouTube
A ground-breaking and provocative fictional documentary set in a fabricated future where UKIP have won the 2015 general election. Find out more: http://www.c...
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