Uku Masing - Wikipedia
Uku Masing (born Hugo Albert Masing, 11 August 1909 – 25 April 1985) was an Estonian polymath who contributed to theology, oriental studies, philosophy, poetry, folklore and to the …
Uku Masing – Vikipeedia
Uku Masing (sünninimi Hugo Albert Masing; 11. august 1909 Einu (Eedu) talu, Lipa küla, Raikküla vald, Harjumaa – 25. aprill 1985 Tartu) oli eesti polühistor, kes andis oma panuse teoloogia, …
Uku Masingu kirjad oma südameneiule - Eesti Naine
4 天之前 · Uku Masing. FOTO: Uku Masingu Kolleegiumi arhiiv . Mees, kes oma mitmekülgsete annete ja originaalse maailmanägemise pärast muutus legendiks juba eluajal, nõudis …
Uku Masing – Estonian Writers Online Dictionary
Uku Masing (until 1937 Hugo Albert Masing, 11. VIII / 30. VII 1909 – 25. IV 1985) was an Estonian poet, theologian, historian of religion, folklore specialist and philologist. His extraordinary …
The Child Prodigy, Poet, and Scholar Uku Masing - Creativity …
Uku Masing was a child prodigy the nature of whose talents cannot be precisely investigated in hindsight. However, Masing can be called a prodigious savant or “Asperger savant” and …
乌库马辛 - 年龄, 生日, 生平, 事实等 - 8月11日的名人诞辰 - CalendarZ
乌库·马辛(Uku Masing,1909 年 8 月 11 日至 1985 年 4 月 25 日出生于雨果·阿尔伯特·马辛)是爱沙尼亚哲学家。 他是爱沙尼亚宗教哲学的重要人物。 马辛还写诗,主要是关于宗教问题。
The Child Prodigy, Poet, and Scholar Uku Masing - ResearchGate
2022年6月7日 · The poet and scholar of Estonian origin Uku Masing (1909-1985) possessed prodigious level skills in multiple domains and superior eidetic memory. A body of recently …
Uku Masing (1909 - 1985) - Genealogy - Geni.com
2024年9月16日 · Uku Masing (sünninimi Hugo Albert Masing või Maasing; 11. august 1909 Einu (Eedu) talu, Lipa küla, Raikküla vald, Harjumaa – 25. aprill 1985 Tartu) oli eesti teoloog, …
Uku Masing | Righteous Among the Nations from Tartu, Estonia
On April 4th, 1969, Yad Vashem recognized Uku Masing as Righteous Among the Nations. Professor Masing was born to a peasant family in Estonia. He lectured at Tartu University and …
The Righteous Estonian Poet: Uku Masing - Accidental Talmudist
2022年11月30日 · Uku Masing was an Estonian poet and philosopher who hid a Jewish friend from the Gestapo for four years, putting his own life in grave danger. Uku was born in 1909 to …