Uku Paal | Group Tour Leader - Wildlife Worldwide
Uku Paal. Uku started birding at the age of 11 and has been interested in birds and other wildlife ever since. His interest in birds has led to him working in various fields of ornithology including ringing, field surveys and migration studies.
Uku Paal Naturalist Tour Leader for The Travelling Naturalist
Uku has travelled extensively in the Western Palearctic, Asia, Australia and USA, although his priority is birding in his native country. To date Uku has recorded four new bird species in Estonia, which is a considerable achievement.
Uku Paal - xeno-canto
Uku Paal: 2021-09-15: 21:30: Estonia: Tartu, Tartu City, Tartu maakond: 70: nocturnal flight call
Estonia | Heatherlea Birdwatching & Wildlife Holidays
2024年5月8日 · Fluent in English, Uku has travelled extensively in the Western Palearctic, Asia, Australia and USA, but his home, Estonia, remains his priority and Uku regularly guides for Heatherlea here. Uku will be joined by a guide from the Heatherlea team.
Uku Paal | Heatherlea Birdwatching & Wildlife Holidays
Uku Paal. Uku started birding at the age of 11 and has been interested in wildlife ever since. He is a founder member of the Estonian Birding Club, and has been a member of the Estonian Rare Bird Committee since 2002. He has found four “firsts” for Estonia, and is also involved in bird ringing, field surveys and migration studies.
Ülikooli loodusmuuseumis räägitakse Montenegro linnuparadiisist
2018年12月5日 · Tartu ülikooli loodusmuuseumi tänasel loodusõhtul viib linnuvaatleja Uku Paal huvilised seiklema Montenegro puutumata loodusesse ning tutvustab kohalikke linde. Liina-Grete uskumatu kaalukaotuse lugu: kuidas pühendumus ja supertooted viisid 40 kilo! „Kuidas taastada sisemine sära?“ – Proviisor aitab vastust leida.
Uku Paal - Facebook
Uku Paal is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Uku Paal and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.
Birding Estonia by Uku Paal - Goodreads
2018年1月1日 · Uku Paal is an Estonian freelance ornithologist and tour guide from Tartu. He is a long-time member of the Estonian Rarities Committee, has a keen interest in bird ringing, photography, field surveying, and identification.
Eesti linnuvaatleja teejuht - Rahva Raamat
Uku Paal (1979) on vabakutseline ornitoloog ja loodusgiid, kes on lindudega tegelenud üle 30 aasta. Uku on Eesti linnuharulduste komisjoni liige, linnuvaatlejate klubi Estbirding asutaja ja paljude populaarteaduslike artiklite autor.
Birding Estonia - Apollo
Uku Paal is an Estonian freelance ornithologist and tour guide from Tartu. He is a long-time member of the Estonian Rarities Committee, has a keen interest in bird ringing, photography, field surveying, and identification.
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