Ukyo Tachibana - SNK Wiki
Ukyo Tachibana (橘 たちばな 右京 うきょう) is a character introduced in Samurai Shodown who continues to appear in most titles of the series. He is originally based on the famed swordsman, Sasaki Kojirō, one of Miyamoto Musashi's most famous rivals.
Ukyo Tachibana/Move List - SNK Wiki
Ukyo is a Well-Rounded Zoning Character, focusing on keeping the foe at bay with his decent frame data and contesting air space with his signature Hiken: Tsubame Gaeshi. As such, learning to perform the move via a Tiger Knee-motion can be vital.
橘右京,是日本 SNK 游戏公司(现更名为 SNK PLAYMORE)旗下的 格斗游戏 代表作《侍魂》 [1]中的主要人物之一。 原型是幕末时代的剑术天才——冲田总司。 冲田总司的绝技是三连斩,跟橘右京的细雪、残像踏前斩、甚至大招燕六连都相似,在瞬间斩出数剑。 他出生在近江 (日本 滋贺县)的小村子里。 为没落武士的后裔,年幼时便体弱多病。 而守护着虚弱的右京的母亲,不久之后也去世了。 依照母亲的遗言,为了成为优秀的武士,无论在剑术或学问上都很努力,右京也变得强 …
Ukyo Tachibana/Gallery - SNK Wiki
Samurai Shodown II: Ukyo and Kei sketch. Ukyo Illustration using Ink, by Shiroi Eiji. Samurai Shodown II: Ukyo illustration. Samurai Shodown II: Ukyo illustration. ... SNK BRAND 40th Anniversary Special Illustration 02- SENRI KITA. SNK BRAND 40th Anniversary Special Illustration 02- Wallpaper. Might & Magic: Elemental Guardians: Promo art.
Ukyo Tachibana DATE OF BIRTH September 12 in the 1st Year of Meiwa (1764 A.D.), at the hour of the Dragon (8:00 a.m.)
The Moves and Combos of Ukyo Tachibana : r/SamuraiShodown
2019年9月12日 · Ukyo Tachibana is an expert iaijutsu swordsman, though stricken with tuberculosis. Despite having several women chasing for his attention, as seen in one of his victory scenes, he adores a woman named Kei Odagiri. Due …
SNK NEOGEO Mini Samurai Shodown Limited Edition Bundle: Ukyo …
2019年8月6日 · This Samurai Showdown edition of SNK’s Neo Geo Mini is a beauty filled with arcade classics. You have your Metal Slug, Fatal Fury, KOF, and of course Samurai Showdown, as well as lesser known titles such as Magician Lord and Twinkle Star Sprites.
Ukyo Tachibana (Samurai Shodown) - Fighters Generation
2022年6月8日 · As one of the originals of the series, Ukyo is one of the coolest and most defining characters from Samurai Shodown. Ukyo's traditional samurai attire is simple, but his mysterious charisma, cool in-game mannerisms, and badass Iaido sword techniques really make a …
娜可露露、橘右京无双消息 - 哔哩哔哩
SNK的无瑕系列新增了两名成员:立花Ukyo和Nakoruru! 他们加入了Mai Shiranui这个令人难以置信的延续,即将登陆全球和中国服务器。 我们等不及了!
Ukyo guide? : r/SamuraiShodown - Reddit
Ukyo is a fast drawer, take advantage of that, but lab scrambles with different characters to know when it's safe to use medium into ghost slash (Earthquake is no go, learned that the hard way); Apple slash is risky as a keep away move or cancel or even as corner pressure due to pushback.