薄膜UL94阻燃是做V0还是VTM等级防火测试 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
薄膜材料执行UL94阻燃防火测试,若材料的厚度小于0.025mm,推荐是直接做VTM级薄板垂直燃烧测试;若厚度在0.025~0.25mm之间,在VTM和V 之间做个评估,选最佳。
UL-94 V0与UL94 VTM-0 有什么区别 - 百度知道
ul-94 v0与ul94 vtm-0表示的是两个不一样的防火等级。ul94表示防火等级。 区别: v0是适用于一般硬质塑料,vtm-0适用于塑料薄膜,以及线材。 相同点: 两者都表示:对样品进行两次10秒的燃烧测试后,火焰在30秒内熄灭。不能有燃烧物掉下。
UL 94 Flammability Standards: Vertical & Horizontal Burn - Omnexus
UL 94 VTM Rating: VTM-0, VTM-1 and VTM-2 ‐ Thin Material Vertical Burning Testing This test method is used for thin specimens or materials that: are too flexible, and; may distort, shrink, or flex. This occurs during the traditional vertical testing. Failure to pass the UL 94 V test is a precondition of all VTM ratings.
UL94 VTM-0, VTM-1, VTM-2塑料防火等级评定 - 百度文库
UL94中的垂直燃烧试验根据样品燃烧时间,熔滴是否引燃脱脂棉等试验结果,把聚合物材料定为V-2,V-1,V-0和5-V四个级别,其中以V-2级为最低阻燃级,5-V级为最高阻燃级。 先介绍94V-0、94V-1、94V-2级试验方法: 此试验用小条试样长127mm,宽12.7mm,最大厚度12.7mm。
UL 94 - Wikipedia
UL 94, the Standard for Safety of Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances testing, is a plastics flammability standard released by Underwriters Laboratories of the United States. [1] . The standard determines the material's tendency to either extinguish or spread the flame once the specimen has been ignited.
UL 94V Certification vs. UL 94 VTM Certification - CAPLINQ BLOG
2009年8月14日 · SGS is a reputable global testing and certification organization, and UL94 VTM-0 is a fire testing standard for flammability of plastic materials. A VTM-0 rating indicates the material’s high resistance to burning, which is beneficial for a fireproof bag.
Combustion (Fire) Tests for Plastics | UL - UL Solutions
This method is used to determine the UL 94 VTM-0, VTM-1 and VTM-2 flammability ratings of thin materials. Failure to pass the UL 94 V test is a precondition of all VTM ratings. The test evaluates both the burning and afterglow times and dripping of the burning test specimen.
塑料阻燃 UL 94测试介绍 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
UL 94 VTM-0,VTM-1,VTM-2的垂直燃烧试验. 应用范围:薄膜材料或在V-0,V-1,V-2垂直燃烧试验中有扭曲变形的试样. 火焰高度: 20mm. 试样要求:200±5mmx50±1mm,沿长度125mm的地方做一标线,绕在直径为12.7的圆棒上,上端用双面胶粘牢,两组各10件
Extinguishing the Confusion: UL94 V vs UL94 VTM – ZT
2024年9月25日 · UL94 V and UL94 VTM ratings differ in test setup and sample type. Both assess flammability, with V-0 being ideal, as it avoids dripping and extinguishes flames quickly.
解析丨UL94燃烧测试标准与不同阶级的五种测试方法 >> 行业新闻
2018年6月8日 · 可燃性ul94等级是应用最广泛的塑料材料可燃性能标准,它用来评价材料在被点燃后熄灭的能力。 根据燃烧速度、燃烧时间、抗滴能力以及滴珠是否燃烧可有多种评判方法。