HYDRA ULIC OIL Optimum frictional properties for smooth performance. Exceptional low-temperature performance. (Down to -40' F.) For use in HWW Hydraulic Systems 413g6761) 1 QUART (946 mL) HWH CORPORATION SPECIALTY HYDRA ULIC OIL Optimum frictional properties for smooth performance. Exceptional low-temperature performance. to F.)
HWH® Hydraulic Oil is manufactured exclusively for HWH® Corporation, for use in HWH ® Hydraulic Leveling Systems and Hydraulic Room Extension Systems. HWH ® Hydraulic Oil can be purchased from RV Dealers, Accessory Stores and Service Centers
PEAK® ANTI-WEAR HYDRAULIC OILS are advanced hydraulic and circulating fluids specially formulated with high quality base stocks and improved thermally stable zinc additives. PEAK® ANTI-WEAR HYDRAULIC OILS provide outstanding resistance to sludge formation, are chemically stable, and demonstrate excellent anti-wear properties.
昆仑与相关品牌油品对照表 - 豆丁网
2017年8月7日 · Hydraulic oil AW series. 得力士S TELLUS S. Clarity Hydraulic oil AW Hyspin ZZ. Renolin ZAF.O Energol HLP. 32、46、68. 32、46、68. 32、46、68. 32、46、68 32、46、68. 32、46、68 32、46、68. 汽轮机油. 昆仑L-TSA. DETEOIL Named series. 多宝T Turbo T oil. Regal R&O. Teresso. Perfe ...
ILRIM NANO TEC Co., Ltd. - collant, filtering, rotor pump, hydraulic ...
ILRIM NANO TEC Co., Ltd. - Korea supplier of collant, filtering, rotor pump, hydraulic, illim ulic, auto loader, valve, bearing, laser cutting
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Oil and gas industry lubricants - Mobil
Our line of synthetic and premium mineral oil-based lubricants are designed to protect oil and gas machinery operating in the challenging and diverse environments you find yourself in.
油液体积弹性模量的测量 - 豆丁网
2014年10月12日 · 液体体积弹性模量与温度关系测量实验研究_劳振花; 液压油体积弹性模量在线检测装置设计与分析; excel在弹性模量测量中的应用; 合金低温弹性模量与泊松比的测量; mgo体积弹性模量和剪切模量与温度间关系; 金属杨氏弹性模量的测量实验预习报告; 实验5.1拉伸法测量钢丝 …
ulic-100 ulic-200 ulic-400 ulic-600 伯纳德 压力调节执行器
阿里巴巴ulic-100 ulic-200 ulic-400 ulic-600 伯纳德 压力调节执行器,执行机构,这里云集了众多的供应商,采购商,制造商。这是ulic-100 ulic-200 ulic-400 ulic-600 伯纳德 压力调节执行器的详细页面。产地:天津,是否进口:否,订货号:0345,加工定制:否,货号:0345,品牌:伯纳德,型号:ulic-100 ulic-200 ulic-400 ulic-600 ...
ulic-5-阀门精小型电动执行器 ulic-5-西安美天机电设备有限公司
2019年4月28日 · 阀门精小型电动执行器 ulic-5 有开关式、反馈式、调节式(电子式)三大类,它可与各种球阀、蝶阀等回转型阀门想匹配。 输出力矩从50Nm-2000Nm.。 重量轻(相当于同类产品的1/3)。