The Portable Closed Flexi-Dip measuring tape is a battery-operated electronic unit that is completely gas-tight. When installed in a vapor control valve mounted on a storage (cargo) tank, it forms a tightly sealed system that prevents toxic vapors from escaping and creates a closed gauging system for that tank.
Ullage Tape - Made-in-China.com
China Ullage Tape wholesale - Select 2025 high quality Ullage Tape products in best price from certified Chinese Tape Products manufacturers, Custom Tape suppliers, wholesalers and factory on Made-in-China.com
Oil Gauging Tapes - Grainger Industrial Supply
Oil gauging tapes insert their measuring blade into storage tanks to check liquid levels. They accept a plumb bob, which attaches to the end of the blade and weighs it down to pull it into the tank. These hand gauging tapes are commonly used in refineries, chemical plants, fuel depots, and other liquid-storage facilities.
MMC International Tri-Mode Electronic Gauging Tape | ICL …
The Portable Closed Flexi-Dip measuring tape is a battery-operated electronic unit that is totally gas-tight. When installed in a vapor-control valve mounted on a storage (cargo) tank, it forms a tightly sealed system that prevents toxic vapors from escaping and creates a closed gauging system for that tank.
HOME - MMC International Corporation
UTI-gauging tapes for tankers, barges and other liquid transport vessels. MMC is the world’s leading manufacturer of portable instruments for measurement & sampling of land-based petroleum and chemical tanks.
Stainless Steel Ullage Measuring Tape - Hartwig
Stainless steel Ullage Tape. Hartwig Instruments supplies a wide range of measuring tapes for liquid measurements. We supply tapes for ullage (for measuring unfilled spaces), dip (for measuring fluid height) and strapping tapes. Our measuring tapes are produced with the best accuracy possible (according to EC pattern approval,Class 1).
HERMetic UTI Tape | UTI Meter Supplier in Singapore - UTI Meter
The Ullage Temperature Interface, or UTI Meter, is a portable liquid level gauge used to measure the amount of hydrocarbons and chemicals in a ship's tank. Onboard marine vessels, it ensures increased safety and efficiency in cargo control measurement, custody transfer, temperature verification, and free water detection.
MMC UTI Tape D-2401-2 Temperature Ulllage Interface Detector …
Restricted and Open Gauging Tapes provide a convenient and accurate means for measuring ullage, product temperature and the oil-water interface. The units are configured to operate in the trimode, bimode, interface or temperature mode. Each instrument is designed to …
A chemical paste used with oil gauging tape for measuring the presence of various types of oils. The colour of the paste will generally change from light blue to red upon contact with oil. This paste will detect almost any kind of oil including mineral oil, vegetable oil, and animal oil, and solvents such as benzol, alcohol, acrylic solution ...
Electronic Gauging Tapes | ICL Calibration - icllabs.com
MMC International Portable Electronic Gauging Tapes & Samplers For gauging temperature, Oil-Water Interface & Ullage readings of petroleum products in accordance with API Chapter 7, Section 3. ICL is proud to be a Factory Authorized Distributor and repair/calibration facility!!