Ulm - Wikipedia
Ulm is the overall 11th-largest city on the Danube River, and the third-largest German Danubian city after Regensburg and Ingolstadt. Founded around 850, Ulm is rich in history and traditions …
Ulm | Germany, Map, Population, & Cathedral | Britannica
Ulm, city, Baden-Württemberg Land (state), southwestern Germany. It lies on the left bank of the Danube River at its junction with the Iller and the Blau, opposite the Bavarian town of Neu …
2018年9月19日 · 德國Ulm,中文翻譯為烏爾姆或烏姆,距離慕尼黑約130公里遠,是位於巴登-符騰堡州、多瑙河畔的一座城市,可以使用邦票搭車到達,交通非常方便,其實本來這次並沒有 …
【德國 烏爾姆一日遊】2024年自由行攻略.景點.交通.行程安 …
2024年3月3日 · 烏爾姆(Ulm) 是位於 德國南部 的 多瑙河畔 上的一個城市,至今已有超過1150年的歷史和豐富的文化遺產。 到烏爾姆絕對不能錯過 「世界第一高的教堂」-烏爾姆大 …
Stadt Ulm - Homepage
Ulm for Beginners "ULM": the sound that the famous Swabian writer Thaddäus Troll once wrote, sounds as if someone tried to speak very, very, Swabian; as if they had a big dumpling in their …
Ulm – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Ulm is a town at the edge of Bavaria in Baden-Württemberg, southwestern Germany. It is home to the highest church steeple in the world (161.53 m), even higher than the Cathedral (Dom in …
Ulm - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ulm is a city in Germany, in the state of Baden-Württemberg. It was started in about 850 AD. Ulm is on the left side of the river Danube. Across the river on the right side is Neu-Ulm in Bavaria. …
Visit Ulm: Minster, modernity and tradition - Germany Travel
Discover the beauty of contrasts in Ulm with the world's tallest church tower, history, good food and drink and modern architecture.
Ulm - Eurotowns
Ulm, with a city population approaching 120.000 inhabitants, is a city in the southwest of the federal Land Baden-Württemberg in Germany. As a city by the river Danube has European …
Ulm — Recognized For Its Minster And University
Ulm, a typical Swabian city established around the year 850, is an urban district in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg. It is set at the tip where the Blau and Iller rivers connect to the …