Accessing your personal learning record - GOV.UK
2018年5月17日 · Your unique learner number (ULN) is a unique 10-digit number. Most learners aged 14+ have one and it’s designed to work with your PLR as proof of your learning and achievements.
LRS organisational portal - GOV.UK
2014年2月27日 · Each unique learner number (ULN) is issued and held by the LRS organisation portal. They are for people who use the numbers to index learner identity details as well as education and training...
PLR: Personal Learning Record - PMI
Every learner has a Unique Learner Number (ULN), and it is used to create and/ or update your Personal Learning Record, as required by the Skills Funding Agency. The record stores your participation and achievement data.
Your Certificate - SQA - Scottish Qualifications Authority
Detailed information about each part of your Scottish Qualifications Certificate (SQC) My certificate is damaged, can I get a new one? If your certificate has been damaged in the post, your school, college or training provider can request a new one. Please speak to your teacher, lecturer or training practitioner once the new term starts.
什么是SQA国际本科? - 知乎专栏
sqa留学项目是指 “英国高等教育文凭项目”,简称sqa-ad(原sqa-hnd)留学项目。 2003年中国(教育部)留学服务中心(CSCSE)与苏格兰学历管理委员会(SQA)共同将CSCSE-SQA英国高等教育文凭项目引入中国,开创了跨…
What is a UCI number and a ULN number? - The Student Room
2021年2月3日 · ULN-unique learner number. You won't have one of these if you took your GCSEs and A levels at a private school. It's a 10 digit number UCI - Unique candidate identifier . 13 digit, single letter long, e,g, 111110142222A You can find them on certificates you already have: AQA certs - they show at the bottom of the cert in a string: centre no ...
Unique learner numbers - OCR
For the achievements to be recorded, each student requires a unique learner number, known as a ULN. This is a randomly generated ten-digit number unique to each student. When a student is entered for an exam, the ULN is included among the details.
Scottish Qualifications Certificate (SQC) - SQA
There are several parts to your Scottish Qualification Certificate (SQC) – find out what you receive, what information is in each part, and what it all means. Use the tabs below to open each section individually. Alternatively you can show all the sections.
SQA项目之GU篇:什么是GU? - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2024年12月10日 · sqa 3+1项目作为一种独特的教育合作模式,近年来在国内高校中逐渐受到学生和家长的青睐。 该项目允许学生在国内大学学习三年,随后在国外合作大学完成剩余一年的学习,最终获得海外本科学位。
Learners - SQA - Scottish Qualifications Authority
Recognition of Prior Learning is a method of assessing whether your experience and achievements meet the evidence requirements of a unit (or units) in an SQA qualification. This experience may or may not have been developed through a course of learning. For further information visit: SQA RPL Policy