Ulthos - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Ulthos is a landmass in the far east, which may or may not be another continent. It lies to the south of Asshai and the Shadow Lands in Essos and to the east of Sothoryos. It is separated …
乌尔特斯 - 冰与火之歌中文维基 | 权力的游戏中文维基 - 灰机wiki
乌尔特斯 (Ulthos) 是 远东 的一块未知大陆,其实目前仍不确定它到底是不是一块独立的大陆,唯一确定的即是其为茂密丛林所覆盖。 [1] 乌尔特斯位于 厄斯索斯 的 亚夏 与 阴影之地 以 …
Ulthos - A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki
Ulthos is the smallest, the least-known and most obscure of the known world's four continents. It is located south of Asshai and the Shadow Lands and east of Sothoryos. The continent forms …
Ulthos - Wiki of Westeros | Fandom
Ulthos[1] is a landmass located at the southeasternmost point of the known world. The landmass lies south of Asshai and the Shadow Lands, separated from them by the Saffron Straits. Very …
(Spoilers All) Sothoryos and Ulthos, what do we know? : r/asoiaf - Reddit
2015年4月23日 · Hardened criminals, unfit for society, were sent to Ulthos, in order to clear the land of it's dangerous animal inhabitants, but came across a native people. The natives are …
Known world - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Ulthos is a large landmass to the southeast of Essos, across the Saffron Straits from the Shadow Lands. It may or may not be a continent, and its size is still unknown, as it is on the edge of the …
1、维斯特洛(Westeros),也被称为日落国度(the Sunset Kingdoms),是已知世界的四块大陆中的一块,坐落於已知世界的最西端,狭长的维斯特洛大陆由北部的极地冰盖起向南延绵 …
乌尔特斯 | 冰与火之歌中文维基 | Fandom
乌尔特斯(Ulthos)是亚夏以南一块未知大陆,阴影之地与它之间相隔了藏红花海峡。 除了它的地理位置和它可能被丛林覆盖之外,就没有任何关于乌尔特斯大陆的资料了。
厄斯索斯 - 百度百科
厄斯索斯(Essos)是美国 小说家 乔治·R·R·马丁 的史诗奇幻小说系列《冰与火之歌》中的一块虚幻 大陆,是小说里已知世界的四块大陆中面积最大的一块。 它位于 维斯特洛 (Westeros) …
冰与火之歌到底是三片大陆还是四片大陆? - 知乎
2015年5月29日 · 落日之海的西边,极北的永冬之地,亚夏以东的阴影之地,位于 Essos 南方的两片大陆 Sothoryos 和 Ulthos (存疑?说不准这只是同一个大陆的两个部分呢?)都充满了口耳相 …