奥创(Ultron)是美国 漫威 漫画旗下超级反派,初次登场于《复仇者联盟》(Avengers) 第54期(1968年7月),拥有由 艾德曼合金 (和金刚狼的爪子属同种金属)打造的机械身躯和超强的自愈能力,并能够根据对手的特点而自我更新程序并进化出克制对手的强大能力。 [1] 漫画中是由 蚁人 - 汉克·皮姆 为了管理被各位超级英雄逮捕的超级反派而结合自己的 脑波 模式创造出来的人工智能(AI),后来奥创拥有自我意识后变坏,在实验室里改进了自身简陋的设计,并先后经过多次 …
Ultron - Wikipedia
Ultron (/ ˈʌltrɒn /) is a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer Roy Thomas and artist John Buscema, the character first appeared as an unnamed character in The Avengers #54 (July 1968), with his first full appearance in The Avengers #55 (August 1968).
奥创(ULTRON) | 漫威百科 | 人物 | 漫威网 - 漫威迷
2021年3月2日 · 奥创是由亨利·皮姆基于自己的大脑为原型制造的超级人工智能,早期的皮姆博士一开始其实并不是想创造一个足以毁灭人类的超级机器人,而是一个超级计算机而已。 奥创的诞生. 然而在奥创的高速学习进化历程中,他深深地被恋母情结所困扰,对“母亲”黄蜂女十分向往,同时敌视着自己的“父亲”皮姆。 在拥有自我意识后变坏后,在实验室里改进了自身简陋的设计,并先后经过多次升级制造出更为先进的身体,曾经打造出数量繁多,型号各异的各类机体,包 …
Infinity Ultron | Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki | Fandom
Ultron was an artificial intelligence created by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner to serve as a global peacekeeping program using code derived from the Mind Stone encased within the Scepter. Ultron's objective was to protect the Earth from all domestic and extraterrestrial threats that …
Ultron | Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki | Fandom
Ultron was an artificial intelligence who was originally designed to be part of a peacekeeping program created by both Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, using the decrypted code derived from the Mind Stone encased within Loki 's Scepter.
Ultron Powers, Enemies, & History | Characters | Marvel
Ultron used Wanda and Pietro Maximoff's hatred of the Avengers, and Stark in particular, to make good soldiers of the genetically-altered twins. He was also in business with Ulysses Klaue, the mercenary and arms dealer. But, ultimately, Ultron's plans to …
Ultron | Characters | Marvel
Conceived by Tony Stark to be the Avengers' replacement for the world, Ultron turns into one of their greatest villains. Explore timeless battles between iconic Marvel characters in an exciting collection for both kids and young adults!
Ultron On Screen Profile | Marvel
An artificial intelligence with access to all the data in the world, Ultron decides that the best way to save the Earth is to destroy all the people on it to make way for a new race of highly intelligent robotic lifeforms.
Ultron (Marvel Cinematic Universe) | Villains Wiki | Fandom
Ultron is the titular main antagonist of the 2015 Marvel Cinematic Universe film Avengers: Age of Ultron, the overarching antagonist of the 2016 film Captain America: Civil War and will return in some capacity in the upcoming Disney+ miniseries Vision Quest.
Ultron | Fictional Characters Wiki | Fandom
"I had strings but now I'm free. There are no strings on me."~ Ultron's most famous quote "When the dust settles... the only thing living in this world will be metal!"~ Ultron is the titular main antagonist of the Marvel superhero sequel, Avengers: Age of Ultron. He is a self-teaching...