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For other devices click HERE for the basic POP guidelines to use UMMAIL in your devices / email client. For username please use your full ummail / siswamail email address(i.e [email protected] / [email protected])
UMMAIL GUIDELINES. Please browse through the guidelines, if you do not find your answer please email to sysadmin at um dot edu dot my . Strong Password Rules . Mailinglist Guidelines. Rules on email usage. Outlook 365 Client. For more ICT related FAQ please refer Here. By UMMAIL Administrator Universiti Malaya
Login page (v3) - UM
Please Type Your UMMail (staff) Username . Forgot Password? Sign in
UM Home > Home > Forgot Password: FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD ? Please insert your IC / Passport Number. Your password will be sent to your alternate e-mail address. IC ...
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Verifying connection... - ummail.um.edu.my
Note: The user cannot be authenticated, and a SAML response cannot be sent, until a SAML request is received from the service provider.