UMAP-COIL – Program List - UMAP
UMAP-COIL 2021: August 2-September 20, 2021* *Required pre-program sessions begin July 30, 2021 Program Information Learning Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Collaboratively In this 7-week online program, students will learn about the SDGs adopted by the United Nations.
UMAP COIL 2021 Program — Open for Student Applications - UMAP
In collaboration with IIGE/Kansai University, we are delighted to announce the UMAP-COIL 2021 Program and call for student applications. The program will run from August 2-September 20, 2021 (pre-required sessions begin July 30) and is focused on the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations.
Homepage - UMAP
University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific (UMAP) is a consortium of Higher Education Institutions and partners, collaborating to increase opportunities for study abroad across the Asia Pacific region through a variety of short and long-term in-person and virtual exchange programs, as well as Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL ...
Osaka Metropolitan University, OMU, has been implementing a Program to Develop Collaborative Social Innovators that uses Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) since 2018. This program is to cultivate social innovators.
由亚太大学交流组织(UMAP)共同主办的关西大学全球教育创新促进组织将于2020年7月27日至9月15日举办为期约7周的在线学习计划“UMAP-COIL联合计划”。 实施。 该课程旨在通过使用 COIL(在线协作学习方法)获得全球人力资源所需的能力。 将与外国学生合作,包括外国讲师的讲座,以新的冠状病毒、可持续发展目标、教育改革和商业创新等最新国际问题为主题进行小组讨论和演讲。 此外,通过对什么是全球人力资源的模糊形象进行体现,我们将支持每个学生的 …
Announcing the UMAP-COIL Joint Program (Multilateral COIL Course…
We are pleased to announce that applications are now OPEN for our UMAP-COIL Joint Program 2021! Program Overview. The toll of the COVID-19 pandemic on international education around the world has been unquestionably devastating.
2021 Online Program - umapcoil
Striving for global citizenry competence in the VUCA world. This program is designed to give students opportunities to consider global citizenship with regard to key contemporary social issues in international settings, taking international and domestic perspectives.
About | UMAP-COIL Joint Honors Program
Kansai University IIGE (Institute for Innovative Global Education) in conjunction with UMAP (University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific) offered the first collaborative joint honors program which brought together 16 domestic and international students from 6 countries to experience a combined online and mobility program aboard the Peace Boat ...
UMAP-COIL Promotional Video 2019 Check this out to get some ideas about the UMAP-COIL Joint Honors Program! http://umap.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/UMAP_COIL_promo.mp4
亞太大學交流會(UMAP)國際秘書處將於今(110)年8月舉辦線上UMAP-COIL …
亞太大學交流會 (UMAP)國際秘書處將於今 (110)年8月舉辦線上UMAP-COIL活動,歡迎同學踴躍參加! 一、本活動旨在提升學員全球公民意識、探索聯合國永續發展目標、培養團隊意識及跨文化溝通等能力。 (一)UMAP臺灣會員校全職在學學位生。 (二)在校成績達GPA3.0以上。 (三)英語能力須達CEFR B2 Level ( TOEFL iBT 87+, TOEIC 740+, IELTS 6.5)及以上者。 (四)其他有利申請文件 (非必須)。 (五)以上文件皆須檢附證明。 三、本活動全程採線上進行,活動期間約為八週, …