Umm... wow... | MartialTalk.Com Friendly Martial Arts Forum …
2006年8月8日 · Yep! Wow! Amazing! I was nearly half way through the video before realizing that the red shirt guy was wearing leg prosthesis.
umm... wow... | MartialTalk.Com Friendly Martial Arts Forum …
2006年5月3日 · Latest: drop bear 47 minutes ago Beginners Corner Black Belt Boot Camp Latest: drop bear Today at 2:27 PM Tae-Kwon-Do The 'Vampire Straw' so-called dual-purpose self-defense tool Latest: mograph Today at 12:58 PM General Self Defense Last Poster #7 Latest: Xue Sheng Today at 12:05 PM Game Room Competitive Arts MMA 118,036This kid is good...
If you study the following for a year would it give you ninja skils ...
2004年8月11日 · What do you mean by "ninja Skills"? Do you mean the skills and techniques used by historical ninja? Then no it would not because they only way to get that (that we can verify) would be through Takamatsu to the X-kans. Do you mean a similar skills set to the historical ninja? If so then maybe. The list looks pretty good but add gymnastics and maybe a …
Jesse thought Tai Chi was useless. | Page 2 | MartialTalk.Com ...
2025年2月23日 · My guess is, I don’t think Jesse ever thought Tai-Chi was useless. He’s been in Martial Arts for a while and has trained with a lot of good people. It’s just a little click bait and that’s fine, he’s a businessman. Him posting that video just spreads the word about Tai-Chi and might increase...
Martial arts and the male ego on the outside - martialtalk.com
2002年4月2日 · "Almost no other activity is as sterotyped, mocked, and misunderstood as the martial arts." hmm, curling, male ballet dancers
Koga-Ryu | MartialTalk.Com Friendly Martial Arts Forum Community
2007年11月21日 · Search the forum; this gets addressed a lot. The bottom line is that there definitely once was a Koga-ryu style of ninjutsu in Japan. There's no evidence that anything calling itself Koga-ryu today has any connection to that, however. Personally, I'd be cautious about a school teaching "karate, jujitsu, kickboxing and a whole bunch of other stuff" unless ther are several different instructors ...
Stationary leading rollback | Page 2 | MartialTalk.Com Friendly ...
2025年2月6日 · wow,,short cut ok Guess you'er not going to do any research to his background or anything.. Maybe a little before your time as well as some others..
Dr. Haha Lung? | MartialTalk.Com Friendly Martial Arts Forum …
2004年9月2日 · Umm.. *sheepishly* Isn't it common knowledge that Haha Lung is one of the many pen names of Christopher Hunter?
Ng Mui fact or fiction - martialtalk.com
2002年10月26日 · Wow, an OLD thread! Anyway, there will never be a clear answer because old Chinese history was passed down orally. A lot of things get changed and misinterpreted when it is word of mouth.
"Creating" your "own" art? | Page 2 | MartialTalk.Com Friendly ...
2005年5月5日 · Get on the websites and look. Thirty-year old masters; tubby senseis and sokes; genuises of 14 different arts....oh look. They've combined striking and grappling arts and rediscovered aiki-jutsu. Wow, see there? He mixed kenpo and FMAs and discovered the weapon attacks, sets, techniques and forms that were in kenpo by 1977.