hum..., ummm..., hmmm..., mmm... (onomatopeya
2011年5月22日 · En español este sonido nasal continuado que expresa duda, sospecha o desagrado se representa (así lo he visto escrito siempre) como mmm…, ummm…, o hummm… (seguidos de puntos suspensivos siempre). La u representa un sonido muy breve y obscuro (como ciertas vocales del ruso), un mínimo apoyo vocálico que …
"Hmm" 和 "Mmm" 和 "Umm" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
"Mmm" = enjoyment or pleasure. "Umm" = hesitation or uncertainty. Some examples: "Hmm": - Often used to indicate thoughtfulness or contemplation. It suggests that the speaker is considering something or is unsure. For example, "Hmm, I'm not sure about that." "Mmm": - Typically expresses pleasure or satisfaction, especially related to taste.
ummm和emmm的区别 - 百度知道
ummm和emmm的区别两者并无区别,两者都是表达”呃“的意思,是语气词,只是发“umm”接近发“emm”,因此有两种说法。 ummm表情这个词最早出现的时间是在2016年,出处常见于贴吧用语,常用在冷场尴尬的尬聊场合。
聊天时发emmm,ummm等是什么心态? - 知乎
mmmm就是表示的一个拖音而已啊! 不礼貌? 你生活中和别人谈话的时候也会有一时间词穷或者思考的时候会发出“嗯——”这种音吧,配上Emoji里面摸下巴的表情可能更好理解。 而且中文拼音里面的m是一个鼻音,能够很好地用文字表现出语音“嗯——”中“——”的感觉。 就和“mua”读起来能表现出噘嘴亲亲的感觉。 反正我觉得就是一个正常的表达词,但是也有那种人家“嗯——”太久了没下文,结合具体情景要考虑估计是犹豫、为难之类的意思了。 但是吧,大多是时候还是不要想 …
What does "Ummmm" mean in texts and chats? The many ... - invme
When someone says "ummm," they are verbalizing a break in their speech as they ponder what to say next. In texting and online chat, using "ummm" replicates this speech pattern digitally. It allows the texter or chatter to mime the feeling of pausing to gather their thoughts. Some key meanings and uses of "ummm" in texting include:
Ummmm Meaning: How to Decode This Friendly or Flirty Text - wikiHow
2024年10月24日 · When texting or messaging, “ummmm” is often used to show doubt or uncertainty in response to something. This simple message can be a friendly way to say, “I’m not sure,” or a flirtatious way to capture your attention. So, which one is it? Keep reading to find out! “Um” or “ummmm” expresses hesitation, doubt, or uncertainty.
Ummm是什么意思? - 百度知道
Ummm是”呃“的意思,语气词,表示因为惊讶而凝滞或者纠结。 多用于口头交流,生动形象,较能表现人的心情。 emmm,网络流行词,就是“额嗯......”的意思,表示思考+敷衍的意思。 这个词最早出现的时间是在2016年,出处是常见的贴吧用语,常用在冷场尴尬的尬聊场合。 也有部分人认为该词来自英语ummm的衍生。 Ummm属于口语是语气词(拟声词)可以翻译成“呃----”,或者“嗯”。 Ummm是什么意思? Ummm是”呃“的意思,语气词,表示因为惊讶而凝滞或者纠结。 多 …
"hmmm" 和 "ummm" 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative
“Hmmm” is used when you are trying to think of something. Similar to “なんだろ.” “Umm” is more used when you just don’t know what to say and need a second to think. Similar to “えと” or “あの.” Both are only spoken, never written though! 這個回答有幫到你嗎? 嗯... (3) mm 和 yeah 的差別在哪裡? hmm 和 umm 的差別在哪裡? ー 和 ツ 的差別在哪裡? Hmmm 和 Hrmmm 的差別在哪裡? Uhh 和 Ugh 的差別在哪裡?
emmm 和 hmmm 有什么区别? - 知乎
Hmmmm是母语英语者用的,类似于中国人用的emmmm。 Harry exchanged uneasy looks with Ron and Hermione. Malfoy was whispering with Crabbe and Goyle; he would surely love this opportunity to tell tales on Hagrid to a member of the Ministry.
"hmm" 和 "umm" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
They are both sounds that are used to fill time while you are thinking. Hmm is usually used for a shorter amount of time and sounds more thoughtful than umm. Not much of a difference :) 这个答案有帮助吗? 嗯... (6) In a conversation: "Umm... Sir? There's no more paper." "Hmm... There might be some in that cabinet over there." "Umm... Sir?