Heckler & Koch UMP - Wikipedia
The Heckler & Koch UMP (Universale Maschinenpistole, German for "Universal Machine Pistol") is a submachine gun developed and manufactured by Heckler & Koch. Heckler & Koch developed the UMP as a lighter and cheaper successor to the MP5, though both remain in production. [4]
UMP - Heckler & Koch
The UMP is available as a semi-automatic or fully automatic submachine gun. Individual trigger group combinations can easily be realised due to the modular grip design. MIL-STD-1913 Picatinny rails at 3, 6, 9 and 12 o'clock provide ample mounting space for the use of tactical deployment aids.
HK UMP衝鋒槍 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
HK UMP (德語: Universale Maschinenpistole,英語: Universal Machine Pistol,意為「通用衝鋒槍」)是由 黑克勒&科赫 於1998年所開發完成的一款 衝鋒槍,目前有.45 ACP 、 9×19公釐帕拉貝倫 以及.40 S&W 3種口徑可選擇。 由於性能優異、 後座力 小、易於分解和價錢合理,目前獲多個 特種部隊 及 特警 單位所採用。 由於.45 口徑 制止力 較高,部份 美國特種作戰部隊 開始換裝.45口徑的手槍,以取代制止力不足的9公釐手槍。
Heckler & Koch MP5 - Wikipedia
The Heckler & Koch MP5 (German: Maschinenpistole 5, lit. 'Submachine gun 5') is a submachine gun developed in the 1960s by German firearms manufacturer Heckler & Koch.
HK UMP - 百度百科
HK UMP(德文:Universale Maschinenpistole,英文:Universal Machine Pistol,意为“通用冲锋枪”)是由黑克勒-科赫(Heckler & Koch—HK)于1998年所开发完成的一款冲锋枪,口径有.45 ACP、9 x 19毫米以及.40 S&W可选择,由于性能优异,后座力小,现由多个特种部队及特警队采 …
MP5 - Heckler & Koch
The MP5 in calibre 9 mm x 19 is a submachine gun firing from a closed bolt with roller-delayed blowback. It is considered by military and police user groups to be extremely reliable, very precise a...
Heckler & Koch UMP (Universal Machine Pistol) Submachine Gun …
2023年8月16日 · The UMP family ("Universale Maschinenpistole" or "Universal Machine Pistol") is a series of submachine guns designed by the German firm of Heckler & Koch in the 1990s as a successor to the excellent world renowned HK MP5 series.
2019年3月14日 · UMP是由德国大名鼎鼎的Heckler & Koch公司(H&K,该公司旗下产品几乎各个都是精品,如MP5、MP7冲锋枪、USP手枪、G36、G3、HK416突击步枪甚至是一些未来单兵作战系统XM29,以及曾经的G11这种无壳弹药步枪等)于1998年开发完成的一款冲锋枪,该款枪主要优点于后坐力极小,拆卸容易,价格低廉,性能优异。 因此一推出就收到各国特种部队尤其是特警的追捧。 最早UMP推出的是.45口径版本的UMP45,这也顺应警方需要,在大量实战当中。 …
Heckler & Koch UMP | Military Wiki | Fandom
The UMP (Universale Maschinenpistole, German for "Universal Machine Pistol") is a submachine gun developed and manufactured by Heckler & Koch. The UMP has been adopted by various agencies such as the U.S. Customs and Border Protection.[1]
Heckler & Koch UMP | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The UMP (Universale Maschinenpistole, lit. "Universal Submachine Gun") is a submachine gun developed and manufactured by Heckler & Koch. The UMP is a blowback-operated select-fire submachine gun that fires from a closed bolt. It features a polymer stock that can be folded for compactness, a...