List of UN numbers 3001 to 3100 - Wikipedia
UN numbers from UN3001 to UN3100 as assigned by the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods are as follows: (UN Nos. no longer in use) (Previously a selection of organic peroxides, class 5.2. See UN 3101 to UN 3120) ^ a b c d e f "UN Numbers 2978 through 3027". Environmental Chemistry.com. Retrieved 2015-08-03.
These instructions have been specifically prepared for the shipment of lithium batteries fully regulated as Class 9, UN3090, UN3091, UN3480, UN3481, in compliance with the IMDG Code, Amendment 42-24 (voluntary application January 1, 2025; mandatory January 1, 2026). DO NOT USE THESE SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS FOR OTHER BATTERY TYPES.
UN 3081 - ADR Dangerous Goods
Data for all ADR substances with UN-number 3081. Find any data for any UN-number, calculate points, and more - for free! Or try our app!
危货UN编号查询 | 联合国危险货物UN编号查询 | IMDG、IATA及JT/T617危货UN …
• UN 3481, Lithium ion batteries packed with equipment. Lithium battery test summary – effective 1 January 2020, manufacturers and subsequent distributors of cells or batteries and equipment powered by cells and batteries manufactured after 30 June 2003
How to label packages containing lithium ion batteries
There are two standards UN 3090 (Lithium metal or lithium alloy battery or cell) in compliance with IATA , UN 3081 (Lithium metal or alloy batteries contained or packed in equipment), UN 3480 (Lithium-ion batteries - including lithium ion polymer batteries) and UN 3481 (Lithium ion batteries contained in equipment or Lithium ion batteries packed...
包装件必须使用一个坚固的外包装;UN 包装符合第II类包装的联合国规范性能标准。 第II 类包装性能测试包括1.2m 跌落试验和24小时堆码试验。 当电芯和电池安装在设备中时,不需要联合国规格包装。 而是设备须包装在坚固的外包装内,以防止运输中的意外启动。 包装必须满足第II类包装的性能标准 "Y" 或较高的第I 类包装性能标准"X" 在规范标记。 ( 插入要使用的容器类型。 另外插入封箱指南或使用封箱指南的位置。 对于总重12kg或以上,采用坚固、耐碰撞外壳的电池或以这类电池 …
UN 3480、UN3481、UN3090、UN3091、UN3171、UN3536:锂 …
2024年9月2日 · 如果锂电池从车辆上拆下并与车辆分开包装在同一外包装中,分类变为un 3481,与设备一起包装的锂离子电池适用,且包装说明966 适用,或un 3091,与设备一起包装的锂金属电池,包装说明 969 适用。
These instructions have been specifically prepared for the shipment of lithium batteries fully regulated as Class 9, UN3090, UN3091, UN3480, UN3481; effective January 1, 2023; ADR 2023. DO NOT USE THESE SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS FOR OTHER BATTERY TYPES.
UN 3081 - ADR Gefahrgut
Stoffe mit UN-Nummer 3081. Finden Sie alle Informationen zu den UN-Nummern, berechnen Sie Punkte und mehr - umsonst! Oder testen Sie unsere App!