International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
During its mandate, which lasted from 1993 - 2017, it irreversibly changed the landscape of international humanitarian law, provided victims an opportunity to voice the horrors they witnessed and experienced, and proved that those suspected of bearing the greatest responsibility for atrocities committed during armed conflicts can be called to ac...
About the ICTY - International Criminal Tribunal for the former …
The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) is a United Nations court of law dealing with war crimes that took place during the conflicts in the Balkans in the 1990’s.
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) [a] was a body of the United Nations that was established to prosecute the war crimes that had been committed during the Yugoslav Wars and to try their perpetrators. The tribunal was an ad hoc court located in The Hague, Netherlands.
前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭(以下简称“前南法庭”)设在荷兰海牙,是联合国安全理事会的附属机构之一。 1993年,联合国安理会审议和通过了第808号决议,表示深信在前南斯拉夫的特殊情况下,成立一个国际法庭,制止严重的违反国际人道主义法的行为,对犯有这种罪行的人绳之以法,有助于恢复与维持和平。...
Cases | International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
Contempt cases can be found on a separate page. Research into further materials can be conducted using the Unified Court Records. et al. "Operation Storm" "Srebrenica"
Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former …
On 6 October 1992, amid accounts of widespread violations of international humanitarian law and fundamental human rights in the conflicts engulfing the former Yugoslavia, the Security Council...
ICTY – International Justice Resource Center
The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), which had its seat in the Hague, Netherlands, was established in 1993, pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 827 of May 25, 1993, while the conflict in the former Yugoslavia was still ongoing.
联合国城 (哥本哈根) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
联合国城 (英语:UN City, 丹麦语:FN Byen,中文全称: 哥本哈根联合国城)是 联合国 在 丹麦 首都 哥本哈根 的一处办公场所,现有 联合国 的11个下属机构在此办公。 [2] 哥本哈根联合国城的设想于2002年提出,2005年确定现在位于 哥本哈根北港 港区内的 大理石码头 (英语:Marmormolen) 的地址。 2013年7月4日正式开幕,时任联合国秘书长 潘基文 、 丹麦女王玛格丽特二世 等1500多名嘉宾共同出席落成典礼。 [2][3] 哥本哈根联合国城内有约1200名来自104 …
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
First ad hoc international criminal tribunal created by the UN and the first international war crimes tribunal since the Nuremberg and Tokyo tribunals. It was established by the Security Council and in accordance with its Statute, the ICTY has jurisdiction over the territory of the former Yugoslavia from 1991 onwards.
The ICTY: Pioneering Justice for the Former Yugoslavia
2023年12月1日 · In response, the United Nations Security Council took a historic step by establishing the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in 1993. This momentous initiative not only aimed to bring justice to the victims of the Balkans conflicts but also marked a new era in international law.