Welcome to the UNGM
Independent professionals looking to provide consultancy services to organizations. Non-profits, NGOs, and academic institutions looking to collaborate to carry out projects. A staff member of …
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Vendor Registration | UN Procurement Division
The UN Secretariat, as most other UN system organizations, uses the United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM) as its platform for vendor registration. Vendors may select the level of...
What is the United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM)? - UNGM …
UNGM connects suppliers to the UN marketplace. The main functions of UNGM are to: Disseminate relevant UN procurement and UN market information. UNGM also supports …
UNGM Pro equips you with tools to stay on top of tight deadlines and to efficiently identify the most relevant opportunities. Stay ahead with timely alerts sent directly to your email and …
UN Global Marketplace | United Nations - CEB
The United Nations Global Marketplace - UNGM - is the procurement portal of the UN System. It brings together UN procurement staff and the supplier community. The United Nations …
What is UNGM's role? - UNGM Help Center
What is UNGM's role? The UNGM portal was developed to increase and facilitate the access of prospective suppliers to the UN market through: Establishing partnerships with the private …
How to access procurement opportunities on UNGM?
UN procurement opportunities are accessible publicly and free of charge on UNGM. To access UN procurement opportunities on UNGM, follow these steps: 1. Click on Procurement …
The UN Organizations - ungm.org
The UN organizations. Click on the logo of the UN organizations to obtain additional information: UNFPA. The United Nations Population Fund. UNOPS. The United Nations Office for Project …
UN Comtrade
UN Comtrade proporciona datos de comercio internacional y estadísticas detalladas para analizar tendencias y patrones comerciales.
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