Required Documents for Staff Requests | United Nations …
Passport; 1 Photo; Copy of contract Visa extension - consultant Service Request Form; Passport; 1 Photo; Contract copy Tourist Visa on arrival Visa on Arrival Form; Passport copy; Copy of staff resident ID; Note - All African Countries and 35 non-African countries ( See this page ) can get tourist visa on arrival Tourist Visa from Abroad
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - United Nations Economic …
Holders of UNLP and Diplomatic Passports can get visa on arrival, gratis. What procedures should I follow to facilitate the issuance of tourist visa for my relative who wishes to visit Ethiopia?
ECOWAS - Free Movement of Persons - United Nations Economic …
To facilitate the free movement of people in the ECOWAS region, member States established a common passport, formally known as the ECOWAS travel certificate. The ECOWAS passport was introduced in December 2000 to exempt holders from intra-regional visa requirements and to function as an international travel document.
2. Login using your UNECA domain username and password and click on the “ Log In” button. 3. The page below will be displayed.
United Nations Integrated Security Management – ID Processing Management system is a web-based ID processing system which allows UN staff to process any ID related requests for themselves as well as for their dependents using this on-line tool. Depending on the role of the user logged in the menus on the interface might differ.
ECA Protocol & Visa Services System
This application manages and processes member state and contact information efficiently.
SADC - Free Movement of Persons - United Nations Economic …
Most member States have exempted each other from visa requirements. However, citizens of SADC member States require visas for entering Angola, DRC and Madagascar. Moreover, there have been talks on a proposed single SADC passport initiative in the coming future.
EAC - Free Movement of Persons - United Nations Economic …
The official launch of the EAC passport followed in 1999 and is presently operational for EAC citizens to travel freely in the EAC region for a period of six months. Plans to have it formally adopted as an international travel document are ongoing.
United Nations Integrated Security Management – Car Pass Processing system is a web-based system which allows the UN staff and UNECA SSS Pass and Id Unit to process car-pass requests from the staff and from requesting officers for Non-UN staff. Step 1.
Request Forms - United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
Airport Pass Permit Form. Driving License Authentication Form. Immigration Form. MoFA ID Request Form. Service Request Form. Visa from Embassy Abroad Form