Livestock drivers' knowledge about dairy cow fitness for …
2017年8月1日 · Some drivers specified that they had accepted to load an unfit animal because they believed that the cow would be better off slaughtered than kept to recover on-farm. For …
Fitness of animals for transport to slaughter - PMC
The reasons for having loaded an unfit cow were i) it was only judged unfit for transport upon arrival at the slaughterhouse; ii) they believed that the cow would be better off slaughtered …
A descriptive study of the clinical condition of cull dairy cows …
2018年12月1日 · A cow is considered unfit if she is sick or injured, with the important exception that a slightly ill or injured cow may be considered fit for transport, if the transport will not …
Livestock hauler and dairy farmer perspectives about cull dairy …
2023年6月1日 · Some research suggests that haulers may feel pressured to take unfit animals to maintain good business relationships with farmers (Edwards-Callaway et al. 2019), which …
A focus group study exploring dairy farmers’ perspectives of cull cow …
2023年6月5日 · The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) describes an unfit cow as one that cannot be transported unless it is under the direction of a veterinarian for care, and some …
Fitness of animals for transport to slaughter - ResearchGate
2019年4月1日 · Unfit chickens tended to show or showed lower pre-transport glucose and lactate levels than fit chickens. Post-lairage, unfit chickens had higher TBARS and lower lactate levels …
small proportion of livestock are identified as being unfit to load onto ships during pre-embarkation inspections. These animals are identified as sick, injured, weak or physiologically unsuitable …
Introduction - Frontiers
Since dairy farms are the origin of these cows, decision making by dairy farmers has been identified as key to preventing cull cows that are considered unfit for transport from entering …
prevalence of conditions likely to make cull cows unfit for transportation. This review discusses the factors that influence the wel-fare of cull cows on farm and during their transport and …
Frontiers | Qualitative welfare risks of cows offered to a Dutch …
2023年9月13日 · When appropriately designed and used, and with sufficient supervision, mobile slaughter facilities can reduce welfare risks in cull dairy cows that are unfit for transport but fit …