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UNGG reactor - Wikipedia
The UNGG (Uranium Naturel Graphite Gaz) is an obsolete nuclear power reactor design developed in France. It was graphite moderated, cooled by carbon dioxide, and fueled with natural uranium metal. The first generation of French nuclear power stations were UNGGs, as was Vandellos unit 1 in Spain.
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eLearning@UNG is the online learning management system at the University of North Georgia and uses the platform Brightspace by D2L. Need Help? For technical assistance, please contact the UNG Service Desk at 706.864.1922 or send an email to [email protected].
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UNG offers a wide range of academic degrees and programs to help fulfill your potential. Find your future here. Financial aid, scholarships and tuition at UNG. Challenge yourself to take the lead as a Boar's Head Brigade cadet. Providing the …
Uranium naturel graphite gaz — Wikipédia
La filière des réacteurs nucléaires à l' uranium naturel graphite gaz (UNGG) est une technologie de réacteur refroidi au gaz, maintenant obsolète et en cours de démantèlement, développée en France dans les années 1950. Ces centrales ont été utilisées pour produire du plutonium, pour la fabrication d' armement atomique, et de l'électricité.
国际热核聚变实验反应堆 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
国际热核聚变实验反应堆 (英語: International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor,缩写: ITER)是国际 核聚变 研究和 巨型工程,将成为世界上最大的磁约束 等离子体物理学 实验,这是目前正在建设世界上最大的实验性 托卡马克 核聚变 反应堆,邻近于法国南部的 卡达拉舍 设施 [2]。 ITER工程的目标是从 等离子体物理 实验研究,到大规模电力生产的 核聚变发电厂 的期待已久的转变。 “ITER”在 拉丁文 意为“道路”,因此这个实验的缩写“ITER”也意味着和平利用 核聚 …
France's first-generation UNGG reactors - Découvrez la Greentech
First-generation nuclear reactors, developed in the 1950s and 1960s, marked the beginning of the civil nuclear industry. Among these reactors, natural uranium graphite gas (UNGG) is a distinct technology that was mainly used in France.
EDF’s decommissioning program for its UNGG reactors
In starting to dismantle its reactors by 2030, EDF will become the first operator to dismantle its UNGG reactors on a major scale. A standardized in-air dismantlement scenario will be used at all of EDF’s UNGG reactors.
原型堆 - 百度百科
1956年法国建成天然铀石墨气冷堆(UNGG)原型堆,热功率40MW,并配有一小型能量回收装置。 1968年UNGG反应堆停运。 1971年德国开始建造高温钍堆原型核电站THTR-300,电功率300MW,燃料元件为球状燃料,1983年9月首次达到临界,在启动运行中遇到许多困难,1985年11月并网发电,1989年9月停堆。 1979年美国建成圣符伦堡(Fort. St. Vrain)核电原型堆,因经济性低等因素于1989年(是停堆还是关闭? )。 快堆: 1964年前苏联开始建造BN-350原型 …
Early graphite-moderated reactors - ScienceDirect
2024年1月1日 · Uranium naturel-Graphite gaz (UNGG) was graphite moderated, carbon dioxide cooled, natural uranium fuel nuclear reactor designed by France (Bastien, 1995, Bastien, n.d.). The first UNGG was a 2 MWe unit, which became critical in 1956. The last UNGG reactor was a 540 MWe unit, which became critical in 1972 and was shut down in 1994.
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