Unggoy - Species - Halopedia, the Halo wiki
Unggoy (Latin, Monachus frigus, meaning "cold monk"), also known as Grunts by many individuals, are a sapient species of squat bipedal xeno-arthropodal vertebroid lifeforms from the planet Balaho. In 2142, the Unggoy became the fourth species to …
Unggoy | Halo Alpha | Fandom
The Unggoy (Monachus frigus; Latin, "cold monk") are a sapient species of squat bipedal xeno-arthropodal vertebroid lifeforms in the unified races of the Covenant. They are the fourth species to be assimilated into the Covenant and the lowest-ranking species in the hierarchy.
Unggoy Major - Halopedia, the Halo wiki
Unggoy Majors are the first enemy to wield the hand-held fuel rod gun in the Halo series. They were first seen utilizing these deadly weapons after the player had destroyed the first Pulse Generator in the Halo: Combat Evolved level, Two Betrayals .
Unggoy Ultra - Halopedia, the Halo wiki
Unggoy Ultra is the highest known Unggoy rank in the Covenant military, which was inherited by its remnant factions, such as the Banished and Jul 'Mdama's Covenant.
Unggoy • Halo Evolved
The Unggoy are one of the smallest species in the Halo universe by height and occupied the lowest rung in the Covenant hierarchy.
Unggoy - Halo Continuum Wiki
The Unggoy (Latin: Monachus frigus, meaning "cold monk") is a species of squat bipedal vertabrates in the unified races of the Covenant. They are the lowest-ranking species in the hierarchy, and are frequently mistreated by almost every higher-ranking race. Unggoy are primarily used as laborers, slaves, or, in combat situations, cannon fodder.
Unggoy - HaloStation Wiki
Unggoy are frequently looked down upon as being a dim-witted race. However, in reality, Unggoy are capable of being very intelligent, resourceful, and knowledgeable - the stigma of their perceived stupidity arises from their poor education and training within the Covenant military.
Unggoy - HaloHistory and Gaming! Wiki
"When in doubt, flee." -Unggoy Philosophy The Unggoy (Latin, Monachus Frigus,meaning "cold monk") are a species of squat bipedal arthropods that were part of the Covenant Empire. They are the lowest ranking species in the hierachy, are frequently mistreated by almost every other higher ranking...
Unggoy - Villains Wiki | Fandom
The Unggoy, also referred to as Grunts, are an alien race and one of the many species that make up the Covenant Empire. They are recurring antagonists in the Halo franchise.
Unggoy Storm - Halopedia, the Halo wiki
Storm was an infrequent specialist combat role for Unggoy serving in the Covenant, and later became widespread among its remnants, acting as shock troopers.