Human Resources - University of New Hampshire
UNH is committed to providing our employees with an enriching and dynamic work environment that encourages innovation, research, creativity and equal opportunity for learning, development and professional growth. Read More. UNH offers comprehensive benefits that are an integral part of your total compensation as an employee.
UNHCR - The UN Refugee Agency
UNHCR helps to save lives and build better futures for the millions of people forced to flee their homes. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency works to ensure that everybody has the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge, having fled violence, persecution or war at home.
Contact HR | Human Resources - University of New Hampshire
Dial 2525 for HR & Workday Support. Located approximately 1 mile west of core campus on Route 155A, just before Route 4 overpass. Turn left into Leavitt Center, HR is on the right. 2 Leavitt Lane, West Edge. HR Business Partner List. Located in Nesmith Hall, ground floor.
Benefits | Human Resources - University of New Hampshire
USNH/UNH offers comprehensive benefits that are an integral part of your total compensation as an employee. Your USNH Core Benefits: medical, dental, life, and long term disability insurance, & retirement plan options are available for review. Have questions about Your Benefits? Submit a …
Human Resources - UNH Manchester
Positions located at UNH Manchester are managed by the Manchester Human Resources Office, located at 88 Commercial Street, Office 344, Manchester, NH 03101. Open positions located at the Manchester campus are listed on the Employment Opportunities web site. Your benefits package is an integral part of your total compensation as an employee.
United Nations OneHR
The United Nations Global Centre for Human Resources Services (OneHR Centre) is an inter-agency operation established in 2017 by the High-Level Committee on Management (HLCM) in order...
国連難民高等弁務官事務所 - Wikipedia
国際連合難民高等弁務官事務所 (こくさいれんごうなんみんこうとうべんむかんじむしょ、 英称: The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 、略称: UNHCR は、 1950年 12月14日 に設立された、 国際連合 の 難民 問題に関する機関。 経済社会理事会 との連携関係にある専門機関から 総会 の補助機関に改組された。 国連難民高等弁務官は、 1951年 に採択された 難民の地位に関する条約 と 1967年 の議定書に基づく国際連合による難民や 国 …
UNHCR | The United Nations Office at Geneva
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for people forced to flee their homes because of conflict and persecution. We lead international action to protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people.
Human Resources Management - Professional Development & Training
Earn your Human Resources Management Certificate in as little as a semester or as long as two years. The flexible program allows for you to take the workshops you want, when you want them, at classroom locations in Portsmouth, Manchester and live online via Zoom. Complete six electives. Choose any six electives from the following areas: LEARN MORE.
Online Human Resources Professional from University of New …
Master the skills you need to gain an entry-level position in human resources and prepare to take the aPHR (Associate Professional in Human Resources) certification exam, the PHR (Professional in Human Resources) certification exam, or the SHRM-CP (Society for Human Resource Management's Certified Professional) certification exam.