starting uni at 27? : r/UniUK - Reddit
2022年8月18日 · I went back to uni some 10 years later at the age of 29 and graduated when I was 31 coming up for 32. I'm now 34 and about to start a Master's degree; I'll be 35 when I graduate from that.
Age 29, is it too late? - The Student Room
2023年6月14日 · Nope, it's not too late. My father was much older than you when he started uni as an undergrad and it took him decades to get on the property ladder & become a millionaire. Good luck!
average age range for students graduating uni? : r/SGExams - Reddit
2024年2月16日 · just wondering what age is considered late/early to graduate uni, im sec 5 from NA this yr so i would be 1 yr late regardless if i go jc or poly, but still catch up to pfp students with o lvl cert, i did the calculations n if i go from sec 5 to jc i would be graduating uni at 23-24 while jc is 22-23 (if i take 4 year course not sure if its ...
Is 25 - 29 too old to "fit in" at Uni? - The Student Room
I was 29 when I started my degree at Brighton Uni, and I graduated last year at 32. There were differences between myself and those 10 years younger than me (which is to be expected) but …
Is 25 considered old to start University? : r/Adulting - Reddit
As someone who works at a college and has her masters in educational psychology - who has studied adult learners -- I actually think that 25 would be a great age to start college.
What Age Do You Start and Finish University? - Think Student
2021年3月8日 · What Age Do Students Start University? As aforementioned in the introduction, most students will be around the age of 18 when they head off to study at University. Usually after arriving at University (normally in September or October), students will begin their studies on their chosen undergraduate course.
Returning to uni at 29 | DUB
2024年3月22日 · Our blogger Allison is a Master's student about to turn 30. Here, she shares what it feels like to be a few years older than her classmates: the changes she's noticed since she was last at university, the assumptions others make about her, and how she's sometimes invaded by the thought of having to "have it all figured out" by thirty.
Mature Student - Applying for an Undergraduate course for 21+
Use our search tool to find undergraduate courses in the UK. Find out what the entry requirements look like for higher education courses. Hear from mature undergraduate students about their experiences of applying, and read our advice to help with your application.
Mature students: it’s not too late to attend university
2022年11月10日 · There is no firm definition but often students over the age of 21 are referred to as mature students. Sometimes universities will also use other terms such as adult learners or adult returner. Why university is for everyone and why study when you’re older?
Should I go to university for a first degree at age 29? Would ... - Reddit
2024年1月28日 · I turn 29 this year, and I think I might have improved healthwise just enough to actually attend college and hopefully earn a degree. But I'm worried - if I attend in person, would people 10 years younger than me flirting etc. depress me too much?