uni-app 是一个使用 Vue.js 开发所有前端应用的框架,开发者编写一套代码,可发布到iOS、Android、Web(响应式)、以及各种小程序(微信/支付宝/百度/头条/飞书/QQ/快手/钉钉/淘宝)、快应用等多个平台。
uni-app快速上手 | uni-app官网
uni-app自带的模板有 Hello uni-app ,是官方的组件和API示例。 还有一个重要模板是 uni ui项目模板,日常开发推荐使用该模板,已内置大量常用组件。 # 运行uni-app
uni-app官网 - DCloud
uni-app支持通过 可视化界面、vue-cli命令行 两种方式快速创建项目。 可视化的方式比较简单,HBuilderX内置相关环境,开箱即用,无需配置nodejs。 开始之前,开发者需先下载安装如下工具:
# uni-app的底层框架实现原理及优化策略(高级) 通过评测对比 ,我们知道uni-app的性能比其他小程序开发框架好,但底层原理是什么? 这篇视频就是讲解uni-app框架底层的实现思路和优化策略:《uni-app框架如何实现高性能》
uni-app is a framework for developing all front-end applications using Vue.js, developers write a set of codes, which can be published to iOS, Android, Web ( Responsive), as well as various small programs (WeChat/Alipay/Baidu/Toutiao/Feishu/QQ/Kuishou/DingTalk/Taobao), Quick Apps and other platforms.
uni-app快速上手 | uni-app - DCloud
The template that comes with uni-app is Hello uni-app , which is the official component and API example. Another important template is the uni ui project template, which is recommended for daily development, and has built-in a large number of common components.
uni-app组成和跨端原理 | uni-app - uni-app官网
uni-app runtime内置了大量常见的、跨端的 API,比如联网(uni.request)、读取存储(uni.getStorage) 同时uni-app不限制各端原生平台的API调用。 开发者可以在uni-app框架中无限制的调用该平台所有能使用的API。
# Create uni-app - DCloud
Select the type of uni-app, enter the project name, select the template, and click Create to successfully create it. The templates that come with uni-app include the default empty project template, Hello uni-app official components and API examples, and an important template is the uni ui project template, which is recommended for daily ...
uni-app插件市场,https://ext.dcloud.net.cn ,是uni-app官方插件生态集中地。有数千款插件,支持前端组件、js sdk、页面模板、项目模板、原生插件等多种类型。
uni-app组成和跨端原理 | uni-app - DCloud
uni-app is divided into compiler and runtime (runtime). uni-app can realize a set of code and multi-terminal operation, which is completed through the cooperation of these two parts. The compiler compiles the developer's code, and the compiled output is …