Mateba Autorevolver - Wikipedia
The Mateba Model 6 Unica (often known simply as the Mateba or the Mateba Autorevolver) is a recoil operated semi-automatic revolver, one of only a few of this type ever produced. It was developed by Mateba, based in Pavia, Italy.
馬特巴6 Unica自動左輪手槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
馬特巴Model 6 Unica (英語: Mateba Model 6 Unica,通稱: 馬特巴 或 馬特巴自動左輪手槍)是一款由 意大利 槍械製造商 MA.TE.BA.武器公司 所研製,生產及出售的、在該類型中少數能 大量生產 的 自動 左輪手槍,發射.357 S&W麥格農 、.44雷明登麥格農 和.454卡蘇爾 (英语:.454 Casull) 子彈。 埃米利奧·基斯帕 (英語: Emilio Ghisoni,卒於2008年)為該武器的美國專利#4712466(能夠詳細介紹該武器的操作)的持有人。 馬特巴Model 6利用擊發時的 後座力 …
Unica 6 - Battlefield Wiki
The Unica 6 is a revolver featured introduced in the Battlefield 4: Dragon's Teeth expansion. It is unlocked upon the completion of the Big Splash assignment. Unica 6 shares its damage model with the other two .357 Magnum revolvers, the MP412 REX and SW40, dealing a staggering 56 damage up to 15 meters, allowing it to kill with one headshot ...
Mateba 6 Unica Gunsmith — McCluskey Arms
2024年9月15日 · The Mateba 6 Unica is widely regarded as one of the most revolutionary firearms ever designed, pushing the boundaries of revolver functionality through innovative mechanics, sleek aesthetics, and futuristic appeal.
Mateba Unica 6: A Semiauto Revolver in .44 Magnum
2023年9月9日 · The Mateba 6 Unica is the culmination of a series of revolver development by Italian designer Emilio Ghisoni (1937-2008). The Unica 6 is one of only a few self-cocking revolvers to see commercial production and sales (the other two being the Union and the Webley-Fosbery). It was available in .357 Magnum, .44.
Mateba autorevolver | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The Mateba Model 6 Unica (often known simply as the Mateba or the Mateba Autorevolver) is a semi-automatic revolver, one of only a few such models ever produced. The autorevolver, or at least replicas of the weapon, are currently produced by Mateba Italia; this company has no relation to the original Mateba company. [1]
Mateba Firearms Scheduled to Make Comeback in The USA in …
2019年12月6日 · The Twitter profile of KommandoStore just revealed that in 2020 they are going to exclusively import to the USA the Mateba firearms. The 6 Unica Autorevolver, presumably in .357 magnum as in the photo chosen, will be the first model imported.
[IWA 2018] Mateba Still Making 6 Unica!! - The Firearm Blog
2018年3月22日 · The 6 Unica is a semi-automatic revolver. The upper assembly slides back under recoil to cock the hammer and advance the cylinder. Mateba also had these smaller revolvers. These are chambered in .357 magnum. According to Mateba’s website, these snub nose revolvers are more expensive than the 6 Unica at €2,350.
Unica 6 - H3VR Wikia | Fandom
The Unica 6 (also known as the Mateba Autorevolver) is a six-shot revolver that uniquely has a semi-auto mechanism to automatically recock the revolver. Like the Rhino, the Unica 6 fires from the bottom chamber of the cylinder for better recoil management.
Mateba Model 6 Unica .357 Magnum 6″ Blued DA/SA Revolver …
Model: 6 Unica. Serial Number: 000823. Year of Manufacture: 1998. Caliber: .357 Magnum. Action Type: 6-Shot, Recoil-Operated, Double / Single Action, Swing-Out Cylinder Auto Revolver. Barrel Length: 6″ Vent Rib. Sights / Optics: The front sight is a blade set in a base adjustable for windage and elevation pinned to the front of the barrel ...