Gasunie is een netwerkbedrijf voor energie. In Nederland en Noord-Duitsland beheren en onderhouden we de infrastructuur voor grootschalig transport en opslag van gas. Nu is dat …
Gasunie is an energy network operator. In the Netherlands and the northern part of Germany, we manage and maintain the infrastructure for large-scale transport and storage of gas. At the …
UNIGAS | Utility Services: Sign Up, Pay Bills - OFFICIAL SITE
Universal Natural Gas is headquartered in The Woodlands, TX, and provides natural gas distribution services to approximately 30,000 residential, commercial, and industrial customers …
Gasunie - Wikipedia
N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie (short form: Gasunie) is a Dutch natural gas infrastructure and transportation company operating in the Netherlands and Germany. Gasunie owns the …
Founded in 1969, Unigas proudly marks its 55th anniversary, bringing over half a century of experience in the safe carriage of gas cargoes for our valued customers. Renowned for our …
Gasunie Deutschland
2024年9月27日 · Gasunie is one of the leading companies in Europe in the development of an infrastructure for hydrogen. Gasunie Deutschland operates a long-distance pipeline network of …
The Gasunie network › Gasunie Deutschland
Gasunie operates about a 16,000 kilometers long natural gas transmission network in the Netherlands and Northern Germany. It is one of the largest natural gas networks in Europe. In …
Contact - Gasunie
Meer weten over onze werkzaamheden of onze visie op de energietransitie? Met ons in gesprek over de beste aanpak in de overgang van fossiele brandstoffen naar een CO₂-neutraal …
Home Page | International Gas Union
We represent the global gas value chain, with members in over 80 countries across six continents, covering almost 90% of the global gas market: from the supply of natural and …
Gasunie Unit Converter
Gasunie does not guarantee the accuracy of results. It is recommended that shippers perform their own calculations before agreeing contracts. Values displayed for Tonne LNG and TOE …