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United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon - Wikipedia
The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (Arabic: قوة الأمم المتحدة المؤقتة في لبنان, Hebrew: כוח האו"ם הזמני בלבנון), or UNIFIL (Arabic: يونيفيل, Hebrew: יוניפי״ל), is a United Nations peacekeeping mission established on 19 March 1978 by United Nations Security Council Resolutions 425 and 426, and several further resolutions in 2006 to confi...
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UNIFIL Press Kit
An approximately 1,000-strong joint Lebanese security force, composed of army and internal security personnel, deployed to the UNIFIL area of operations (AO); however, it did not operate in areas close to the Line of Withdrawal.
How OGL works with UNIFIL
2016年3月17日 · OGL supports UNIFIL in carrying out its mandate, by observing, monitoring, reporting and/or investigating incidents that are, or could lead to, a violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701 (2006). On the ground OGL also assist in diffusing tension by working with the parties present.
Hezbollah’s assertive posture in south Lebanon places UNIFIL in a ...
2023年9月27日 · Hezbollah has also established up to seven firing ranges in the UNIFIL AO, where militants practice their skills with various weapons. This year, international and regional attention has focused on the heightened operational tempo along the Lebanon-Israel border amid fears of another war looming between the old enemies.
Aplicativos de Extensão UniFil | AppStore Computação UniFil
O Centro Universitário Filadélfia (UniFil) se destaca pelo compromisso com a extensão universitária, coordenada pela Pró-Reitoria de Extensão, Inovação e Cultura (PROEIC), que conecta a instituição com a sociedade ao compartilhar conhecimentos adquiridos …
UNIFIL AO (Area of Operations. Kart over AO 1987.
Den norske FN-styrken i Libanon var en nasjonal styrke underlagt FNs midlertidige styrke i Libanon (UNIFIL), og bestod av følgende hovedavdelinger: - Den norske FN-bataljonen (Norbatt)
UNIFIL à Euronews: "Os desenvolvimentos no sul do Líbano são ...
1 天前 · À luz da recente escalada de segurança na fronteira israelo-libanesa, o porta-voz da Força Interina das Nações Unidas no Líbano (UNIFIL), Andrea Tenente, manifestou, em entrevista à Euronews, profunda preocupação com a evolução da situação no terreno.
What is UNIFIL, the peacekeeping force on the Israel-Lebanon …
2024年10月14日 · United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon (UNIFIL) peacekeeping troops from Spain conduct an early morning patrol in the southern Lebanese village of Qliyaa.
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