UniGene Archives - NCBI Insights
UniGene was originally implemented as a gene-oriented grouping of transcript sequences in the absence of a reference genome for a broad range of organisms. We added genome-based grouping later. UniGene has since been used as a source of approximate expression profiles, an index of available cDNA clones, and as a guide to transcript-oriented ...
NCBI to Retire the UniGene Database
In July 2019, we will retire the UniGene database and take down the web interface. UniGene was originally implemented as a gene-oriented grouping of transcript sequences in the absence of a reference genome for a broad range of organisms.
UniGene - Wikipedia
UniGene was a NCBI database of the transcriptome and thus, despite the name, not primarily a database for genes. Each entry is a set of transcripts that appear to stem from the same transcription locus (i.e. gene or expressed pseudogene).
Find transcript sequences for a gene - National Center for ...
If there is no gene record for the organism and gene of interest, perform a search in the UniGene database with the gene name, product name, or symbol. Click on the UniGene cluster of interest. The UniGene cluster has links to transcript sequences for …
The UniGene web pages are now retired - NCBI Insights
2019年7月30日 · Although the web pages are no longer available, you will still be able to download the final UniGene builds as static content from the FTP site. You will also be able to match UniGene cluster numbers to Gene records by …
UniGene - 百度百科
unigene是Universal Gene的英文缩写,意为广泛通用的 基因数据库,通过电脑对相同 基因座 (Locus)的收集整理集合形成一个非冗余的基因数据库。 [1] 人类基因组计划 的首要任务是对人类基因组进行全 序列测定,整个 基因组 估计有30亿个 碱基对,其中大约3%可以编码蛋白质,其余部分的生物学功能还不清楚。 转录图谱 可以把基因组中能够编码蛋白质的部分集中起来,因此是一种重要的数据资源。 UniGene试图通过计算机程序对GeneBank中的序列数据进行适当处 …
Unigenes - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
UniGene database: UniGene is a nonredundant database containing GenBank sequences and expressed sequence tags (EST) clustered into sets of related gene clusters or families. From: Encyclopedia of Microbiology (Third Edition), 2009
UniGene | HSLS - University of Pittsburgh
2005年5月9日 · UniGene is an experimental system for automatically partitioning GenBank sequences into a non-redundant set of gene-oriented clusters. Each UniGene cluster contains sequences that represent a unique gene, as well as related information such as the tissue types in which the gene has been expressed and map location.
常用的生物信息学数据库(下) - 知乎专栏
2023年3月3日 · Unigene、Gene和HomoloGene数据库的不同. Unigene:对大量EST数据整合分析产生的数据库,可获得基因的表达部位,时期,表达丰度等信息. Gene: 模式生物 或基因组资源比较丰富的物种基因. HomoloGene:针对1-20个模式生物构建的数据库,可以找到某个基因在不同 …
NCBI:UniGene数据库 - CSDN博客
2013年12月30日 · 基于转录组的数据分析,UniGene是一个不可多得的资源,他将mRNA、EST序列以及功能gene进行整合,很容易明白EST、mRNA等转录组数据与gene的关系,同时通过EST所附带的信息,统计了基因的表达谱。