Since the hostilities extended beyond the Kashmir ceasefire line, the Secretary-General decided to set up an administrative adjunct of UNMOGIP, the United Nations India-Pakistan …
UNIPOM | United Nations Peacekeeping
UNIPOM; UNIPOM Fact sheet United Nations India-Pakistan Observation Mission. Location: Along the India-Pakistan border between Kashmir and the Arabian Sea. Headquarters: Lahore …
UNIPOM was established in accordance with Security Council resolution 211 (1965) of 20 September 1965, to supervise the ceasefire along the India-Pakistan border except in the …
United Nations India-Pakistan Observation Mission (UNIPOM)
2014年9月2日 · This article focuses on the United Nations India-Pakistan Observation Mission (UNIPOM), a peacekeeping mission set up by the UN Security Council in September 1965 to …
United Nations India-Pakistan Observer Mission (UNIPOM)
Mission Mandate: UNIPOM was established in accordance with Security Council Resolution 211 (1965) of 20 September 1965, to supervise the ceasefire along the India-Pakistan border …
The United Nations India/Pakistan Observation Mission (UNIPOM) was organized in 1965 in order to supervise the cease-fire along the India/Pakistan border. Its Chief Officer was...
United Nations India-Pakistan Observation Mission (UNIPOM)
The task of monitoring the ceasefire in the India-Pakistan border region from Kashmir to the Arabian Sea coast was assigned to the new United Nations India-Pakistan Observation …
United Nations India-Pakistan Observer Mission 1965-66
The United Nations India-Pakistan Observer Mission (UNIPOM) operated from 20 September 1965 to 22 March 1966. UNIPOM was established in accordance with Security Council …
UnipolMove - l'alternativa nel mondo del telepedaggio
UnipolMove è la soluzione per la mobilità della tua Azienda. Tu ci dici come viaggi, noi ti mostriamo l’offerta che fa per te. Due veicoli? Cambi targa illimitati e secondo dispositivo …
UN Observation Mission-India and Pakistan: 1965-1966
The United Nations (UN) dispatched the UN India-Pakistan Observer Mission (UNIPOM) to supervise the ceasefire. While the first UN Observer Mission was deployed in the Indian …