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Messa a punto da Antonella Pantaleo, ricercatrice Uniss Giornate di Orientamento Universitario 2025. In programma il 3 e 4 aprile 2025 presso il polo bionaturalistico di Piandanna (Orto Botanico) Elezioni in Ateneo. Elezioni CNSU indette per i giorni 14 e 15 maggio 2025 - Rinnovo RSU per l'anno 2025 Bandi a cascata PNRR ...
Our goal is to build bridges between experts and non-experts to make cybersecurity an inherent part of work and private life. We promote cybersecurity resilience and an international exchange of knowledge by providing security assessments and advice, international education and training concepts, and contributing to research projects worldwide.
Our study programmes | Università degli Studi di Sassari
International Study Opportunities: UNISS fosters personal and academic growth through international mobility programmes. Students have the opportunity to enrich their academic journey through cultural exchanges, international traineeships, and …
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The UN has developed a results-focused multidimensional approach through the United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel (UNISS), around key priorities in governance, security and resilience. Our initiative is designed to address the root causes of the Sahel crisis while supporting national and regional capacities for peace building.
Our Team – Institute for Security and Safety - uniss.org
Our experts are dedicated to cover all technical challenges in order to identify and eliminate weak points. The team is also involved in researching new developments and explaining complex technical aspects.
Institute for Security and Safety – The Institute for Security and ...
Sicherheit durch Wissen, Wandel und gelebte Werte. Cybersicherheit durch Teamarbeit! Mit unserem ganzheitlichen Ansatz ermöglichen wir Verbindungen zwischen verschiedenen Fachgebieten und Abteilungen – dabei stehen für uns die …
Daftar Fakultas & Program Studi UNISS Universitas Selamat Sri …
Universitas Selamat Sri (Uniss) Kendal saat ini memiliki beberapa Fakultas dan terdiri dari berbagai Jurusan atau Program Studi, berikut ini diantaranya: 1. Fakultas Teknik dan Rekayasa
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